
Showing posts from 2022

Motivational Monday #221: By Design

When we are successful on purpose we can replicate it. We know how it happened or at least some of the ingredients to the recipe of success. When success happens by design, it's a beautiful thing. When we design, stay true & execute a game plan it really is a wonderful thing to be celebrated. Not just celebrating the end result, but also celebrating the ground work that was laid that helped create that end result.  Life By Design is something that we have all heard at least once or twice. We cannot design it all by any means, but we can set forth a vision of what we would like right? With that we also must lay our a plan to get there though as well and that can be tougher, but it is the key to the success. Shooting from the hip isn't a game plan for achieving goals, whatever they are.  If it's important to you, it is important to set aside the time to plan, really plan, vet & dial in a plan of action to achieve your goals both BIG & small...

Motivational Monday #220: Knock, Knock....Who's There?

  Opportunity...opportunity who? Opportunity that just knocked twice; you better open up the door.  Sometimes I think there is a fear of success that can outweigh the fear of failure. We can see an opportunity before us, it's right there, but we have this invisible rope that is holding us back. For each of us I can be something completely different, yet it is rendering the same hesitancy or inaction.  Remember there is risk is going for it AND there is also risk in not going for it; either way there is risk so you might as well risk it with an opportunity rather than risk it for standing still right? Don't over think it or make it too heavy. Breath, smile, prep & go for it. 

Motivational Monday #219: Chase it...

  What are we chasing? Make sure it is what you want, because when the chase becomes more difficult we only stay the course when we really want that end result.  Goals that are worth while do not happen over night and they are usually goals that we don't just achieve but goals that we grow into as well.  Is your goal(s) written down? Where you can see them? Putting pen to paper or creating a vision board of sorts helps us in maintaining pursuit as a form of accountability.  One of the best and simplest ways of dialing in goals is to use the SMART system here to the right. Action: By the end of the week have 1 personal & 1 professional SMART Goal set & share it with 1 other person to keep you accountable. 

Motivational Monday #218: Get our of your head & go down the chute

  Too many times we OVER THINK as step or action that we are about to take. It will never never be the perfect time to do it, so don't wait for it to be. Plan, Prepare & Execute it. A well executed plan is WAY better than the 'perfect plan' that never leaves the starting line. Getting out of our heads, or out of our own way is sometimes the ONLY obstacle between us and who we want to be -or-  where we want to be.  Go For IT! Whatever your "IT" is, rip off the band aid or as Tin Fey put it....go down the chute! Either way it'll be a heck of a ride that you did, instead of the one you never took. 

Motivational Monday #217: We woke up what?

  Sometimes we forget that the first thing we all should be grateful for today is simply waking up. A sunrise is a beautiful thing as it brings light into what was just dark. It is a gradual beginning that makes a profound impact.  For us, we should not just wake up and roll into our checklist, but pause and appreciate that we get to wake up today.  Don't just lock into only doing what is on your calendar for the day, but be open for other opportunities that may arise in the day. If we are not looking for those opportunities, we mill most likely miss them.  Today you woke what?  What will you choose to invest your time in to    make today a day to be proud of knowing that    this decision does not have to be a one time thing reserved for a special occasion; because  truly each day we wake up is a special occasion indeed.  

Motivational Monday #216: Control is a funny thing

  We would like to think we control wayyyy more that we do. That is our natural tendency. Often times things that take the most of our time, brain space or worry are things that are beyond our control.  Something, that when harnessed that can create huge momentum for each of us is properly identifying what is in our control and what is not. Once we get that then we can energetically go after making in impact there.  When we do this we are better investing our 3 T's and that will make us unstoppable. That doesn't mean that it will happen fast, but trust the process. Invest your TIME, TALENT & TREASURES in what you can control. Focus there, trust the process & you will succeed & hopefully inspire others to do the same on their journey. 

Motivational Monday #215: Who wants the BEST view?

  We all have our hiking boots on right? We have a hard, but very rewarding climb ahead of us. Being able to ascend to a peak begins way before the trail head. It begins in the prep work; the gear, the map, connecting with others that will be on the journey with you.   Think about your IG feed and the excitement that people have when they post pics after a great bike ride, hike or excursion that took work to get to where the photo was taken. There is a lot of pride in that because they choose to step up, step out & go for it! We have that choice every day. Lets work hard, together so we can enjoy the view and remember the view never comes before the climb, it is always the reward after it.  Get it! :)

Motivational Monday #214: Who & How

Back in high school I had a wrestling coach (Coach Griffin) that would always remind us before every match that we, as a team of individuals pursue victory, but it is always with honor. We win the right way.  It took a bit of time to sink in what he really meant by that. He cared about who we were becoming and not just about what we were achieving. Wins will come and go, but how we respond to both victory & defeat reveals quite a bit about our character.  I believe who we are and who we are becoming is very important. Victory achieved through corners cut may have a short term elevation, but it will catch up & that is not a place we want to be standing. How we approach each day, each activity, each interaction is our choice.  I encourage all of us to make sure the Who we are & the How we are doing things is in line with the person we want to be. There will always be distractions calling out to you to do it another way because oth...

Motivational Monday #213: The BIGGEST liar you'll ever meet

  This is 100% true today, yesterday & tomorrow.  Fear would have you believe that it will always go wrong in one way or another.  Fear would have you believe that it's safer to not grow.   Fear would have you believe that you have reached your potential, so staying put is best. Fear would have you believe a ton on BS!! Fear is a LIAR.  Do not let the whispers of fear in your ear prevent you from stepping out & stepping up. This could be in large or small acts; fear works in many arenas. Instead I would charge you today & going forward to choose faith in moving forward. Faith in growing to where you want to be & who you want to be.  You see Fear & Faith have 1 thing in common. They both would have you believe in something that has not happened yet.  Faith will take you to far greater places than fear ever could dream of. Push the mute button on fear & crank up the volume on faith, action & encouragem...

Motivational Monday #212: Obstacles? What Obstacles?

  Are obstacles real? Yes, they sure are; but do we give them move head/heart space than they deserve...unfortunately for most of us the answer is yes.  The great news, is that WE can change that. This choice is 100% up to us. Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will & focusing on the present obstacles or the obstacles that may lie ahead keeps us from achieving our goals.  Yes, it may be more difficult for you than others, but you also don't know the silent battles others may be facing as well; focus on your road ahead and you'll be closer to your goals.  This Morning:  Remind yourself of your WHY(s).   Tell yourself that you can achieve your GOAL(s). Invest in yourself; YOU are worth it.  Attack your day with verve towards each endeavor that you have, big & small.

Motivational Monday #211: The Chatter Doesn't Matter...

 The chatter doesn't matter; the vision makes the decision.  We each have a vision for our lives right. There is a lot of chatter out there about the economy, the market, the list could go on. That does not have to change your goals. Keep your vision. Pursue your vision. Achieve your vision.  Our mind is powerful and what we allow in through our ears & eyes has an effect on us. Don't let the negative chatter push you down mentally, physically or emotionally. If you let it in, use it as fuel that you WILL #BeTheException. You will rise up and success no matter the circumstances & pursue that!

Motivational Monday #210: Fight -or- Flight -or- ____________

This one today comes inspired by Darren Hardy.  When adversity hits people typically talk about 2 responses that we have to it Fight -or- Flight . It is correct that those are 2 responses, but Darren pointed out this morning that the third response may be the most detrimental of them all.  What is it? ....FREEZE!  As he discussed it I began to think more about it. Fight:  You are making a choice and the choice is to go into battle; weather you feel ready or not and you are determined to beat the circumstances, the market, the opponent; whatever 'it' may be you are determined to WIN.  Flight: You are at least making a choice; a choice  that it is too difficult and you are not choosing to continue. The circumstances, the market, the opponent; whatever 'it' may be you are making the choice to go away.  Freeze: There is no choice made. You are standing still. This one is the most dangerous one of the three and it's not talked about. When we choose n...

Motivational Monday #209: What We Risk

There are risks when we take actions. There is also risk when we don't take action.  Risk taking is usually though of as being big or grand. I believe it's the little risks that we don't take that really cause the paralysis that holds us back. When we are able to take the small risks it breaks down the mental barriers that would prevent us from taking bigger risks.  By taking small risks, regularly it makes larger ones seem smaller and much less risky. (most of the time they are) Our mind, our imagination can create the feeling that a certain risk is HUGE; too costly if not achieved. When in reality, it may cause some temporary pain, but nothing lasting and the gain of experience and wisdom that we get from going for it valuable.  Go into that office today.  Make that 12th call to that person.  Have the meeting you have been avoiding.  Ask for that meeting, opportunity, introduction.   The risk in doing is much smaller than you...

Motivational Monday #208: We all have Choices

 Life is a series of choices and each choice we make will make us.  The choice to hit the snooze button.  The choice to put in the one extra set of reps.  The choice to have the salad and not the cheesesteak.  The choice to open the door with a smile for the person walking up.  The choice to make one more call.  The choice to go into one more office.  The choice to speak encouragement.  The choice to do the follow up.  The choice to prep for tomorrow.  The choice to ask for the referral.  The choice to _________________.  The choice is in each moment, each day, each week, each month and each year. Making the choice we need to make to reach -or- stay on track for the goal(s) we have in life is not always easy, but worth it. 

Motivational Monday #207: One Day -or- Day One

  It is always our decision. Will we do it One Day or will this be Day One? There are most likely a handful of things that you have wanted to do, but they have been pushed back either by reason or excuse; both can happen. Today think about one of those either personally or professionally that today can be your Day One of getting towards that goal. Commit to your self that Day One won't stay solo, but you'll pursue that one thing, skill, goal, hobby, etc... one day at a time until you get there. The destination may seem daunting but if you break it down to doing it one day at a time each day becomes a manageable and attainable goal. It cannot be achieved though unless we all start with Day One.  Don't forget to enjoy the journey!

Motivational Monday #206: Back to School Day

  So some of you know that in about a month Nicolette will have her first day of school. This approaches with a great deal of excitement, but also a little nervousness (probably on both sides). Many of you have had 1st day with your littles and have been through it for decades.  We have really been focusing on being engaged with her. Playing outside, reading in the evenings, including her in dinner prep; really just trying to created connection moments & positive conversations.  As I was doing some searching online for ways to help lessen the nerves of starting school I came across this above. It's labeled "8 Powerful Words-For School Kids". Though I believe that these reminders really know no age bound so I wanted to share them with each of us today.  Take a few moments today to read through all 8 of them. Something will happen today, this week or going forward that we will need a reminder of 1 or more of these in our minds or hearts. It may not just be for...

Motivational Monday #205: Don't be afraid to stand out

  Standing out in a crowd. Sometimes we want to, sometimes we want to drift into the sea of the same. It can definitely be a battle. Standing out in a crowd isn't just about 'look at me' it's about having your voice heard. Knowing that people will benefit from what you have to offer.  There is a lot of 'noise' in the world, not just in general, but in our worlds close to us.  Social media, email, push notifications, calls, bill boards, ads, billboards, etc... In order for us to be heard, by the audience that we would like to hear us we need to be better, we need to be different. Sometimes it doesn't take a great deal to stand out, but sometimes it will. We need to be willing to recognize those opportunities and seize them.  When we put in the work/time to be prepared when we have the opportunity we are able to shine with our savvy; share with our care & secure or strengthen relationships with satisfaction all around. 

Motivational Monday #204: Pushing Through Boring

Today as I was driving into the office I was thinking through my mornings and how 'boring' they are. I have the same exact routine 99% of the time. I then through of how I could 'Change it up'. I immediately went to my 'Should' list.  I realized that the change doesn't even have to remove what I'm already dong, they are needed, but I can dovetail in what would make it better not just then, but down the road as well. For me in the mornings now I'll be striving to read for 10 min & the big one is SWEAT. That may be cardio, Peloton, lifting or boxing; it just has to go on for long enough that I break a natural sweat.  What is something that you have wanted to add to your routine that hasn't happened yet? What obstacles are there & how can they be removed? This is where accountability &/or Growth Groups can help.  This can be on the personal side as I cited above or on the professional side with adding in more or a different type of Lead ...

Motivational Monday #203: Routine

  Having a routine has many, many benefits. We'll look at some of them today knowing that there are many more out there for each of us. Also, when we think of the word routine, it's typically tied to our morning which is truly important, but I have found that having an evening routine is also a game changer in the right direction as well.  Routine can reduce the stresses felt by the feeling a full day, deadlines, goals and more.  Think through your day. Your routine. Do you have one? What is it? Can it be edited to enhance it?  Below is an excerpt from Northwestern School of Medicine as well: Health Benefits of Having a Routine Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share through Email Print Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle People are creatures of habit, and routines offer a way to promote health and wellness through structure and organization. Having a routine can greatly improve your health. Many people who don’t have any type of routine suffer from: Stress . No rou...

Motivational Monday #202: Being Present

In a world full of notifications, alerts, updates, pings, and so on we have a lot of things that pull for our attention. Not all are bad, many are actually quite good. The struggle is really the timing. When they detour us from what or WHO we have in front of us it creates distraction. That distraction moves us away from the direction we were going that we were tuned into.  I want to encourage us all today as a start today and challenge us to keep it going for the week at a minimum to really tune in on being present WHERE we are. With WHO we are with and  WHAT we are doing.  This kind of intentionality is actually more rare today than it should be. It lets the person know in front of you that they matter. If it's a task we are completing it reminds us that we began it for a reason and we should finish it as such as well.  Sometimes the best present that we can give to another is simply our presence. Lets be there; all there! :)

Motivational Monday #201: The 3 C's

  Making the Choice to take a Chance, in order to  Change. When we suggest something to a client or prospect me are asking them to do just that. To make a Choice to take a Chance on what we are sharing with them. If they do that we are telling them we believe that it will Change their business for the better.  We need to put ourselves in their shoes as well. As the market has shifted, we need to do the 3 C's as well in our own approach & execution to what we do in order to not just maintain, but grow.  If we keep doing what we were doing before we will not continue our growth trajectory.  Today, look at what you have planned for the week: Prospecting, Retention Follow Up, 1-1's, presentations, after hours product/presentation development, open houses, office visits, digital outreach, etc... What can you enhance or enact that you think will lead to real growth? Not what is the easiest to enhance or enact, but the best.  Lets Roll!

Motivational Monday #200: One Small Thing

Think about the effect that one comment, action or event has had in your life.  I bet it wasn't a large or grand thing, but something that has made a big impact, but arrived in a normal or small capacity. That is true for many of us. One small thing can make an impact for sure. Think about it...ever had one small pebble in your knew it! One little seed grows food, one bite from a mosquito and you'll know it too. One word of kindness, encouragement or small thing with a big impact.  Think about this today for yourself and when you are with others. One small thing that you may do could have a profound impact today, tomorrow or for a lifetime. 

Motivational Monday #199: What if?

What if _________? Fill in the blank today. Many times during our day we face the decision To Do, Not To Do, Go, Stay, Engage, Pass get this picture. I want to encourage each of us in the small and large instances that are in front of us to T-R-Y .  When you try it is not just for yourself, it's for your families, teams, their families & all of our futures. When we think small, it make it ok to pass on opportunities, but when we realize that the small things create the legacy towards the larger things in life their impact matters much more.  Go for it today....don't let any part of your past be a chain holding you back to attaining the present & future that you desire; or more than that, better than you desire!  

Motivational Monday #198: The Invisible Wall -or- Tiny Rope

Many obstacles that we face in life are either invisible -or- smaller than we perceive them to be. Something that may have tripped us up in the past does not have to have the same outcome today.  We grow, we overcome, we succeed.   Check out this story below: The Elephant Rope As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break fre...

Motivational Monday #197: Without Words, We Say A Lot

  That attitude we bring to the 'what' of each day, each interaction matters. It matters a lot in fact. It is received by the people in our offices & outside of them when we are making sales calls in person, zoom or even on the phone.  Below is a picture chart that I got off of Tony Robbins website. Let that sink in. I know that when we practice scripting that we really focus on the what we say, but we need to remember the How we say it and How we portray it as well.   These are the components that come together for us as communicators in all facets of our loves, not just in work.  Today as we are communication let's think about what we are saying with the other 55%  and 38% of our communication. That may be the gap in where we are and where we want to be going.  Typing this out today hit me so I'll be digging in here to grow.  Let's grow together team!

Motivational Monday #196: How Deep Do We Dig

What calls for our attention? There are distractions galore in our worlds. It's out charge to fade out the true distractions and hone in on where & what we need to be doing. Many times we 100% know what to do, but we don't want to do it or we don't want to do it for as long as is needed to render the results we really want. The hard part of that is we may be right on the cusp of succeeding when we give up while at other times we really didn't give ourselves a chance to succeed & that could be for a myriad of reasons. We need to remember a couple of important points every day. Some days we sill go faster & further than others. They run together.  Some days we will feel like digging deep & some we won't feel like it. Dig deep anyway.  We need to always be pushing ourselves to move forward. Part of pushing ourselves to move forward is having real conversations with ourselves an an accountability partner on what we are doing, where we are going,...

Motivational Monday #195: Wisdom from Mark

  The first step towards something can be the hardest one; though the most important one. The problem is that we tend to look way down the road at the finish line instead of breaking it down into sprints, but together to make up the whole road or race. When it comes do getting task done that are important we need to take the time, in the beginning to game plan, break it down and then go. We are to busy to not take the time in the beginning to plan. Planning is a necessity.  An example for all of us in making our task small and manageable is to divide and conquer. That be all you or delegate. For me writing 5 cards a week happens. If I tried to write 20 cards once a month I would have 0 cards going out to teammates, referral partners & clients.  What is a large task that you have bee putting off that you can spend 15 min today breaking down into small, manageable tasks to bring you closer to the finish line on? 

Motivational Monday #194 : Where do we want to go?

Where do we want to go today? We get up each morning with probably the same routine that sets the stage for the coming hours. Many days what we do is very similar to the last day right. The tasks may vary slightly, but in most jobs there are standards.  Today it's a little reminder about not just what we do, but how we do it. The HOW can be an incredible came-change for ourselves and for those on our teams or whoever else we work with.  The seven dwarfs made the song "Whistle While You Work" one that is burned into most memories right? They didn't just work, they did it with a little extra. The were together, they did it with anticipation, they got to do it. Any job or task can become cumbersome and at times a bit of a drag, but when we remember that we GET to do it and keep our WHY at the forefront it helps us bring that verve back to our daily tasks, no matter how big or how small.  Which circles me back to the original statement. Where do we want to go? For each it...

Motivational Monday #193: When "I" isn't Selfish at All

  The "I" we are looking at today is the first letter in two words that matter deeply in all parts of our lives. What we put out as well as what we receive.  I nfluence & I mpact These two words could be unpacked over months, but this will be brief to get our thoughts headed down the path of discovery. These two words are not just what we can create in our word and to those around us, but they happen top us as well. We are influenced and impacted by what we see, listen to, surround ourselves with, where we go, you get this picture.  There is no setting or thing or person around us that does not have influence or impact on us. We don't have to be aware or 'feel' the impact to verify that one is and is continually being made.  Notice here there isn't a third choice when it comes to influence. It is either beneficial or it's not. It's important us to be aware of what and who we are allowing to have influence in our lives. So much of our direction and ...

Motivational Monday #192: Lovin' It

  Are we lovin' it every day? If we are honest, probably not. Some days are rough and we are hoping to just survive it and not thrive through it.  I just want us to remember today that love isn't just an emotion or feeling, but it's also a decision. A decision to push through when it's feeling difficult.  This is true in all parts of our life. When we do what we do and love is an ingredient it become better than it could have been before. Not just the outcome, but the journey to the outcome itself. The choice is ours.  Choose to make today a beautiful one.

Motivational Monday #191: Earning that Relax time

  What are the 3 things, not 2 or 4, but just 3. Three things that if you got them completed today you would feel that the day was a success and you could R-E-L-A-X after work?  Now that you have those 3 things. Eliminate any blocks in your way from you getting those checked off and accomplished. I know how hard it can be a times to 'unwind' in the evenings. That is why sometime I give myself benchmark goals along the way so I can celebrate those milestones on my way to the greater goal being accomplished.    To accomplish those goals you have selected you may have to make some changes in your day. I'll tell you that many times I shit off notifications, close email or even put my phone on DND for periods of time because I know the thing I need to get done will not if I have any distraction. It's crazy how at times we will willingly allow and sometimes even invite distractions in to detour us from our goals.  Today you got it...progress, not perfection....

Motivational Monday #190: Finishing Well....You Deserve It

  As days go on we may at times lose a bit of our gusto. We begin to slide or drift and the day finishes us instead of us finishing the day. That can be a battle we face periodically or on a more consistent basis; either way it's something that we can and need to overcome. That battle isn't next to us, this battle is won in our mind.  One small tip is what I simple do is having my goals and expectations taped up right next to my computer. They are a constant reminder what why I do what I do & what I need to make sure I'm doing to reach me potential & goals.  Another tip I have is something from back in my high school cross country days; yes I ran cross country in high school and absolutely loved it :) I wasn't the fastest or most talented by any means but I had work ethic & grit. I know that talent wasn't going to get me across the line faster so it was going to be hard work & grit that did. I would focus on the next person in front of ...

Motivational Monday #189: Noise Canceling Headphones

Ignore the noise and focus on what matters. We live in a noisy world of push notifications, opinions, more media outlets to name not to mention  all of the other forms that reach out to us to 'tell us' who we need to be, what to believe and what to do.  When we cancel the noise, it's not tuning out all outside council, it's tuning out the outside that isn't qualified. That isn't there for you. That is talking at you and not with you. There is noise and there are sounds, voices that we want to hear. That we need to hear. That we have built trust with. When we ignore the noise it's better helps us tune into those which will help us grow and achieve our personal and professional development goals.  Ignore the noise Believe in yourself Believe in the process Put in the work

Motivational Monday #187: Pause to soak it in

Weather it's an accomplishment, a sunrise, a river or a kind gesture it's important to take the time to soak it in every once in a while.  We are fast paced and that serves us well most of the time. There are times though that we need to catch a beat; pause and be present to or with what is before us.  This morning I saw an incredible sunrise on the way to the office. Truly spectacular. I was on the top part of a hill about to descend down and continue in when I just briefly pulled over and just panned my eyes across the horizon to take it in. Then back to my commute and into the office I came. I have to tell you though, that 60 second pause really got me charged for today.  When the opportunity presents itself I encourage you to take a pause and soak it in. 

Motivational Monday #186: We are all at the same place

Ready...Set...Go! A new year is upon each of us which means we are all at the same starting line.  It's up to us to run OUR BEST race. Do not get distracted by people in other lanes near you. That takes your sight off of your GOALS and is a distraction. Stay FOCUSED on YOU. Your intentions, actions and milestone achievements along the way to your BIG goals.  We live in a noisy world; do your best to tune out the static and tune in to what and who will build you up with truth and help you achieve not just what you want to accomplish in 2022, but who you want to become in 2022.   Now this 'race' I talk about isn't a sprint, no. This race take endurance. Endurance with your mind, body and heart. When you feel like it's getting tougher, train your mind to be excited about it and then we begin to find joy in growth and not fear.  Be more fearful of staying exactly where you are then of what it will take to become who you want to become.  ...this isn't a solo jou...