Motivational Monday #221: By Design

When we are successful on purpose we can replicate it. We know how it happened or at least some of the ingredients to the recipe of success. When success happens by design, it's a beautiful thing. When we design, stay true & execute a game plan it really is a wonderful thing to be celebrated. Not just celebrating the end result, but also celebrating the ground work that was laid that helped create that end result. Life By Design is something that we have all heard at least once or twice. We cannot design it all by any means, but we can set forth a vision of what we would like right? With that we also must lay our a plan to get there though as well and that can be tougher, but it is the key to the success. Shooting from the hip isn't a game plan for achieving goals, whatever they are. If it's important to you, it is important to set aside the time to plan, really plan, vet & dial in a plan of action to achieve your goals both BIG & small...