Motivational Monday #190: Finishing Well....You Deserve It

 As days go on we may at times lose a bit of our gusto. We begin to slide or drift and the day finishes us instead of us finishing the day. That can be a battle we face periodically or on a more consistent basis; either way it's something that we can and need to overcome. That battle isn't next to us, this battle is won in our mind. 

One small tip is what I simple do is having my goals and expectations taped up right next to my computer. They are a constant reminder what why I do what I do & what I need to make sure I'm doing to reach me potential & goals. 

Another tip I have is something from back in my high school cross country days; yes I ran cross country in high school and absolutely loved it :) I wasn't the fastest or most talented by any means but I had work ethic & grit. I know that talent wasn't going to get me across the line faster so it was going to be hard work & grit that did. I would focus on the next person in front of me as my goal to pass (the next task), then the next; you get the picture. Then when the final stretch towards the finish line was in sight, usually about a quarter to an eight of a mile it was time to dig deep. We called it the kick. Our goal was simple. Only we did the passing there. No one, passed us in that final stretch & our finish line was different from every other team that we raced against. While others were crossing the line and stopping just after it we would still be at a sprint at least 50 yards past the line; that was out finish line. That mindset goal helped to insure that we crossed the line giving it our best, without any slowing down. We knew that  our best was left out there. 

It may be a day, a week, a month, a quarter or sometimes even just an hour...finish well. 

Give yourself a FRESH Start




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