
Motivational Monday #265: The Adversity Advantage

  In life we all will face adversity. How will we respond. Will we choose to fight forward or retreat in fear. Adversity is hard, hard things grow us when we choose to become an overcomer and not a statistic. It will be hard, there will be people around that encourage you to retreat to safe, because safe is easiest. You may also have people cheering for you to push through; listen there.  When you choose to push through, grow into the adversity, moving forward no matter at what speed, but forward you become better inside where your fire grows and as you come through the other side you are now stronger than you though you could be. You are more equipped than before. You are more ready than you ever realized. What caused hardship and maybe even pain in now an advantage for you. An advantage, because you overcame. You chose a mindset that you can and then you took action. You are stronger than you realize. You are capable of so much. Belief, Mindset, Action & Grit are all ingredients

Motivational Monday #264: A Helping Hand

  Remember a time when someone helped you? No strings attached, just helped. It may have been a stranger, family member, friend or acquaintance. Whoever it may have been, and whatever it may have been for you remember. A outstretched helping hand is something that is not easily forgotten and can create a ripple effect that creates more good that we will ever know.  Today, really this week I want to encourage us to be open to helping (that extra-mile mentality). I don't know how it will look for you or I, but I know this. When we help others, it does something inside. It brings to the top intention of service , kindness & compassion . I believe that we would all agree that those three traits above are ones we would love to be described as having. 

Motivational Monday #263: Take the Stairs

  Unlike the mall where you can choose the elevator, escalator or stairs there is only one real choice for success...the stairs. One step at a time is a good thing. Keep pace, moving forward towards your goals. Some steps we may be on longer than others and that is ok. We can plateau there for a time to prepare us for the next set of steps ahead.  Focus forward. Act forward.  Do not become distracted by the pace of others going on the stairs. You don't know the story; but you do know yours and that is the one that counts. Comparison is the thief of all joy, so don't let it in.  Earn each step along the way, celebrate victories, help others with their steps & before you know it you'll be closer to you goals growing along the way into the person you needed to become in order to accomplish what you had your sights on. 

Motivational Monday #262: Bitter or Better

Will you face challenges or adversity in your life? YES. What happens next is up to us. We have 2 choices...we can become Bitter from what is happening or we can choose to become Better .  Can it feel unfair...choose better .  Can it seem that the light at the end of the tunnel is too far away...choose better .  Can it feel like you don't have the strength or are equip to win...choose better .  Is this hard...100% yes.  Is it worth it...100% yes. Proud moments in our life never begin or end with bitterness.  Hard is a guarantee; you can do hard. You can grow into what/who is needed to achieve whatever is in front of you. Not easy, but always worth it.  Make your choices today in small and large ways to choose better . You'll thank yourself for it. Bitter is not a companion you want with you.

Motivational Monday #261: Resilience Recipe

  In life:  Adversity will happen. Change will happen. Obstacles will rise up. They can be internal or external.  They can be large or small. They can throw you off of your purpose, or not. That is up to us. We can always move forward, towards our goals despite adversity. When your goals & priorities are clearly defined it makes it easier; not easy, but easier. If you are struggling when adversity hits, visit your vision and if you don't have one write it down. There is something powerful when things go from in the air to written down.  Approach your Vision proactively, knowing that adversity will come daily thorough small or large challenges. It's what we do next that matters. YOU CAN...maintain your core purpose and integrity in the face of changing circumstances. We may get bent, stretched, pressed and pulled; it will be uncomfortable, but being resilient means we return back to to our center of who we are. 

Motivational Monday #260: Sharpen You Axe

The axe is the tool of the lumberjack. They know the importance of it. Not just of itself, but also the condition it is in. Therefore, they invest their time to keep it at high performance level. When the blade is sharp it takes less force to cut through and do the task at hand. On the other side, if time is not taken to sharpen the blade, the same task will talk longer and be more of a struggle. For us, we need to remember to pause, step away and sharpen our axe. It's our job to sharpen the axe; if it's dull, that is on us. Regular work of of an axe wears it down, therefore the practice of sharpening isn't a once in a while thing but a regular occurrence. When we need to be sharpened, that means we were DOING, we were attacking our tasks before us. Today what trees are you going to chop down? Get to work on those knowing that it'll take something out of you; worthwhile things do. Also, promise yourself that following that this evening you'll sharpen your axe as wel

Motivational Monday #259: Declutter

Do you have a junk drawer in your house? Only one? If you have more than one, lets talk lol Our offices or homes may have clutter in them & usually around Spring time is when a decluttering happens & most things get organized, donated or trashed right? We do this physically, but what about mentally or in our daily routines?  Do we go through and 'declutter' them as well?  Have a lot of 'things' to do or be can bring clutter to our lives which causes us to operate slower, with less drive & enthusiasm. We feel overwhelmed. That can come from only practicing addition in our lives, but not subtraction as well. An action for today can be a couple of things to choose from.  Is there a area of your home or workspace that is cluttered that makes it not a place of calm, but anxiety? If so, tidy it up today. Look at your day. Are there too many 'things' in it that are not helping you get towards your goals? I'm not talking about things that aren't your

Motivational Monday #258: Give Up

  Just because something use to be a road block in the past does not mean it has to be now. YOU CAN DO IT! Give up on thinking that hard is impossible. Give up on believing that the idea or thing in your heart is not for you. Give up on allowing outside opinions the power to hold you down.  When you give up these things it allows you to PICK UP what you need to achieve the goals you have in your head and your heart. Potential is a great things, but it becomes truly beautiful when you embark on the journey towards achievement of it. On the journey you will have obstacles, don't give up. On this journey you will encounter people who will hinder you as well as people that enable you; mind that difference. On your journey you will also be inspiring others by your words and actions for them to Give up as well, so they can PICK UP & Go as you are.

Motivational Monday #257: How Curious are You?

  Asking questions to seek answers is a key aspect of growth in any arena of life. When we assume, we close off our chance of discovering something real that is relatable. Another part of this to really have it be effective is to listen to understand what they are saying. Many times we can catch ourselves listening to respond or relate, let their words sink in. What are you working on? How can I help? What has you excited right now? What is something new you are learning or doing? These are just a few examples of open ended questions that help us discover, connect & relate better to those that we meet & even to those we have know for a long time. It's never to late to ask good questions to connect.  Who will you connect with today?

Motivational Monday #256: Until the Buzzer Sounds

  Until the buzzer sounds we give it our all; we give it our best. We may win, we may lose(learn), but we never give up. Giving up is defeating yourself.  Weather we are way our in front or behind things can change. Our effort should not though. We should always be striving to give it our BEST. Yes, on certain days our best is different and that is ok. Reaching and achieving our potential for that day is a WIN.  When we go until the buzzer, past the finish line there is a sense of pride/accomplishment knowing that you gave it your best.  Think of a time when you didn't hit your goal, but after you think about it and know it your heart that you may have been able to if you had fully applied yourself...that isn't a good feeling; now flush that one.  Now think of a time when you gave it your all on your own or with teammates and you accomplished your goal or even accomplished a greater goal...that is the feeling that should stay with you; that should stay with all of us.  We are e

Motivational Monday #255: Preparing to Win

  We all want to win; that is a given. Wanting to win though isn't enough and I think we all know that as well.  The ground work that is usually unseen is what moves us from participants into victors of the goals we have set out to accomplish. The preparations necessary to win, consistently, over a long period of time take discipline along with a sense of duty to your teammates and family to give it your very best.  When it seems easy, you prepare and show up.  When it seems harder, you prepare and show up. When it seems insurmountable, you prepare and show up.  Actions: What do you do occasionally that you know you should be doing consistently? How can you change that? Who can you connect with that will help you stay accountable to taking your growth action(s)? What is a specific goal that you can make to accomplish in the next 30 days?

Motivational Monday #254: A Breath

It's simple right...taking a breath. We do it thousands of times a day. Let's think about it though; how amazing that it doesn't stop when we sleep, it continues on. So much can come from a breath. We can choose to take a walk, run, cycle or yoga. We can yell, encourage, warn or sing with a breath.  We get to choose what we do with each breath we take. I want to encourage each of us after reading this to close our eyes and take 7 deep, full & intentional breaths. At the end of each breath think of one thing you are grateful for, then lean back into your day.  Each breath is a gift, lets have gratitude & use each one to pursue & do something we can be proud of. 

Motivational Monday #253: Keep Your Dancing Shoes On

This morning was a wet one on the way into the office for me and most likely will be for each of you today as well. It reminded me about the quote in the picture here. You can't change the rain, so embrace it and find joy in it. Don't let the outside circumstances of life keep you for doing what you need and want to do. It may look differently, be a little messier, but you can still do it & enjoy it.  Embrace. Enjoy. Enthusiasm. Excel. Elevate.

Motivational Monday #252: Remember the View

  Through struggle, through tough moments, through hard circumstances remember that where you are going; where you are headed isn't for everyone. It's for you. Your journey is beautifully yours. I want to encourage you and all of us today to remember our WHY. Remember our WHO(s). Remember that you are capable to doing hard things, great things, things that not all can do. You CAN.  Easy...sometimes.  Hard...sometimes.  Worth it...all the time.

Motivational Monday #251: That is what makes it so valuable.

  Nothing good is easy, and that is what makes it so valuable.  It's not easy, and that is ok. There are very few things in life that are easy. Those things that are easy are rarely noteworthy...wouldn't you agree?  Having the DRIVE to push, persist, overcome & achieve is not easy, but always worth it. I can be easier at times to push-through when others are watching, but the times when it's just you; no other eyes or accountability, that is when the victories are won. We win when we do it when it is not glamorous, there is no applause or kudos. Having the fortitude to do the things that need to be done, weather we feel like it or not makes the compounded difference in our lives.  Choose to do . Choose to act . Choose to achieve . Remove the phrase "I wish it were easier" from your vocabulary and replace it with Simpler. I myself wish things were simpler at times. Nothing noteworthy is easy. 

Motivational Monday #250: The 3 E's

 Embrace. Enhance. Elevate. As challenges arise..... EMBRACE  them. Lean in and face them. Don't change your goals or lower your standards to the easier route. Embrace them and the growth it will take to win. Be Locked-In to your goals so you can ELEVATE yourself through planned & determined steps to get there. We don't grow or elevate on accident. It is purposeful and usually not done as a solo journey. Do you have a tribe or accountability partner that is with you on the journey? You can go faster solo, but much further with others.  Don't wish it was easier, pursue getting better to rise-up or ELEVATE to the challenge set before you. Many will lower goals when it gets though. This is a great time to get creative and thing about how you can great other opportunities to close the gap that may be there. Don't be afraid to look at things from alternate stand points to find new solutions.   

Motivational Monday #249: One at a Time

  Juggling is hard.  Why juggle if you don't have to?  Why juggle if it makes more sense and yields a better result if you do one thing, then another, then another?  Is it because others do it?  It makes us feel busy?  Remember the goal is productive, not busy.  Juggling is overwhelming; checking one thing off after another is not and can actually be really motivating as you move down your list.  Today and going forward (and I know it's hard) don't get lost in what others are doing, but focus on your road ahead. Your road to where you want to be. Take your steps, on your journey, towards your goal(s). That destination is the sweetest one. 

Motivational Monday #248: Bring Your Energy

  The energy that we bring is up to us. We don't wake up each morning on fire to take on the world, but we can take actions to get us to the place we need to be to get our energy right. It doesn't always come easy, but it will come if we invite it in. Then once we get our energy and mind right we can bring that to each interaction we have during our day.  Before you connect with people today do a check-in with yourself to make sure you are ready, locked in and prepared to connect. 

Motivational Monday #247: Adapting is not a luxury if....

  Adapting is not a luxury if you want to keep succeeding at a high level.   Recognizing factual changes in an economy, market or industry is something we all must do. Then, with that knowledge we must look at what we are current doing and make updates/changes accordingly in order to keep the pace we want to be on. If things change and we do not, we still change, but at the control of outside and not inside.  Change does not mean (though it may in some cases) leaving some things fully behind. It may mean we do MORE of some things, less of others or a combination of both. The only MUST is to do something; doing nothing is becoming a passenger. We also do not change for the sake of change. We change to help us adapt effectively. Effectively is defined as getting us to the goal or destination that we set forth. We don't lower our goal/standards when things change; we ourselves rise up.  It's a choice every day and many times during the day as well to rise up. Others will choose t

Motivational Monday #246: You cannot pour out from an empty pitcher

  Are you taking time to take care of yourself? We all have the time, but we also all have the choice of how to spend our time. This is a reminder to make sure that you are taking time for the most important person in your  We are best to and for those around us when we are choosing to do the things that fill us; that things that rejuvenate, inspire and give us rest. Do not neglect those things; you will thank yourself and so will those around you. We are able to give only what we have received. Give yourself the opportunities to be full so you are then able to fill from a place of overflow or have and not from a place of full depletion.  What is 1 thing that fills you up that you can do this evening? Pass on TV time, reels or other distractions and CHOOSE to fill yourself up with something that inspires, rejuvenates, calms or excites you. All of those things FILL in a positive way. 

Motivational Monday #245: Listen to the Tap

  Have you ever felt that prompting to do something, but froze? Then the opportunity pasted and throughout the day you wish you would have done it. I call it a shoulder tap . A little nudge to get your attention enough to notice, but not a full push.  When you feel your next shoulder tap, do it. You'll be grateful you did and that other person will be as well.  We have these things happen to us throughout the day, in different circumstances and settings. My encouragement is to listen and do. Don't over think (that is our freeze most of the time). YOU are someone that can make a great impact where you are. 

Motivational Monday #244: What will you Build Today?

  Today we each will build something. Everyday we each build something. The question is will it be something that we are proud of? Will it be something that will empower you closer to where you want to be or step you back from it?  It's our words, intentions & actions that will do the building. Is what we are building a solo project or one that needs others? Most worth building do require others so remember that encouragement, collaboration, communication & teamwork need to be ingredients in your build. Remember some of the things we build are for certain points in our life and do not last forever; they are sprint projects and are still important. Also remember your long-term and life-long build projects as well. Those are the ones that create legacies and inspire others.  Have fun today on your build!

Motivational Monday #243: Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block?

  When adversity hits we can choose to let it be a stumbling block, or a stepping stone. Not an easy choice, but it is indeed. When things happen, in that moment we have a choice, learn or lose; grow or gravel; forward or fear.  Choose to use those instances as stepping stone and not stumbling blocks.  There is another side of this as well. We can choose to place stepping stones or stumbling blocks for others as well. This is a part of leadership for each of us in our lives. When we choose to make them stepping stones we are showing others the way to navigate through hard terrain that we have learned from our experiences. I encourage us to leave a part of stepping stones in our wake as I'm sure we have all had others at times do the same for us and we were appreciative of it. When circumstances come up that may cause stumbling, say "What can I learn here?" grow & make it a stepping stone instead. Make the choice when it's easy & especially when it is difficult

Motivational Monday #242: Be a Doer

  We cannot do it all, but we can do what we can do. So we should do what we can do. Focusing on can and not cannot is a key to happiness, success & achievement. Talking about it in the beginning is good, but it needs to convert into doing it. While intentions are nice, intentions without actions are without substance.  Today think about what you have been meaning to do in some part of your life. Then do it. Make the call, see the person, go to the place, take the action. The win in this case is not the outcome (though it can be a bonus win), the win in finally taking the action you have been meaning to take. 

Motivational Monday #241: Which Mode are You Going to Choose Today?

  Each day we have a TON of choices right? One choice that is super important is what mode we choose to live the day in. There are many we can pick from, but I've distill the list down to a core few for us to look at.  Survival mode Blend in mode Thrive mode Yes, this may be an over simplification of it, it is does show that we do make a choice and with each choice there are many iterations that can branch off from it.  My encouragement today is to choose the mode that you know is best, not just the one you may feel like. Feelings can be misleading; using our head & heart together is the recipe that we need to use.  Thriving isn't just great for you, but it shows an example to those around you. Younger, older & peers alike. It shows that regardless of feeling you are choosing to pursue & become the best version of yourself & I believe we can all agree that is a goal worth pursuing. 

Motivational Monday #240: Joy in the Journey, not just the Destination

  Destinations (goals) are amazing. We set our sights high, push ourselves in pursuit of that goal, overcome obstacles, grow into the person we want to be & eventually achieve the goal we set out to accomplish; reaching the destination we had our sights set on. That is amazing! But...if we only celebrate and enjoy the final result we are robbing ourselves of a ton of joy through the other victories, bug & small, internal & external on our way.  Finding joy in the journey & not just in the destination created an internal fuel that keeps us motivated with verve on our pursuit. We won't always 'feel' like giving it our all each day, but when we have joy in the journey the feeling of joy pushes out the doubt & keeps us going. We cannot feel joy & doubt at the same time. Allow the joy to win & you will win in soo many incredible ways.  

Motivational Monday #239: Your _______ can be perfect

  Effort We do not have perfect outcomes, but we can however give 100%; we can give a perfect effort. That is what we can control.  Being less than perfect is not a low standard by any means. I think sometimes we wait for the 'perfect' scenario or the 'perfect' time; when really neither of those exist. In that time while we are waiting, we are missing out on what could be, what can be, what is attainable.  Focus on what we can do, where we are, right now and do that. Do not wait for perfect, or you will be waiting perpetually. 

Motivational Monday #238: Important is Important

  Distraction is everywhere and many times the thing distracting isn't a bad thing but a good thing. It can still distract from that thing that we should have been doing though. It's been said that if it's important the you'll find a way and if it's not, you'll find an excuse. Don't look for excuses in a world full of ways/opportunities to achieve it.  If we are committed to the goal it will happen; we find a way. If we are only interested in the goal then we may stop when adversity comes.   Remain steadfast in doing what is important, what is needed. You will thank yourself for choosing hard, for choosing to accomplish it; don't just be interested in being better, be committed to better, pursue it and you'll get there. Be thankful & celebrate accomplishments along the way believing also that your best and most important is in front of you. 

Motivational Monday #237: Listen to the Sound of Silence

  Do you take time daily to be still? To quite your mind, fade out the noise of the day and be? If so, continue that. Continue that refill of yourself where perspective, insight and calmness grows. Those all are amazing byproducts of taking a moment each day to listen to the sound of silence. If you do not do this, I encourage you today to catch a beat, pause, turn off any noise around you and for 3-5 min breath and be. It is one of the most simple, yet tough things to actually do. But when you do it will allow you to reengage as someone recharged and ready. Whatever may have been taking up space in your head or heart that didn't belong tends to leave. That in turn frees you up to fully be you and fully engage.  Have a great one today! 

Motivational Monday #236: That one little thing

  We all have that ONE little thing that we have been putting off; kicking the can down the road. The reason(s) for each of us can be similar or different.  I want to encourage each of us today to get that preverbal monkey off our backs and do it. Don't over think it, don't think of why we can't right now. If it's been in your head & your heart for that long to do; then DO. It could be that one thing that is holding you back from that one thing that you have wanted. Breakthrough personal will effect you professionally & the reverse is true as well; professional breakthrough will effect you personally. They work in tandem with each other; they are connected. 

Motivational Monday #235: Mindset to Action

  Having the right mindset matters. I'm not talking about just self talk though. There has to be a connection tied to action. Thoughts without actions really don't do much at all besides lead us to what if's and disappointment. Be disappointed for not trying, not putting in the work, but be proud you shot your shot weather it leads to a win or not. The biggest loss you can ever have is not attempting. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our loved ones to created a positive space in our minds that leads to positive action in our days. That impact won't just be felt from 8-5, but before and after as well. We each have the opportunity to attract who and what we want in our lives by how we think, act & live each day.  Do each simple act greatly; your best. The results will follow, they only don't when we don't. 

Motivational Monday #234: The Only Easy Day

  I recently wrapped up a new book and one of the lines in it was "The only easy day was yesterday." This is one of the more well know saying of the SEALs. It serves as a reminder that if we are constantly pushing ourselves to become better every day there WILL be obstacles, not maybe, but will.  It's a mindset shift. Instead of starting our day wondering IF there will be challenges, shift our thinking to "Whatever challenges arise in my day, I WILL overcome them. I will not loose sight of my goal. I am ready, willing and able to achieve my goals today, tomorrow and going forward."  Take the reigns of the day and your mind that you will control your outcome. That you will give it what it takes, weather comfortable or uncomfortable, easy or hard, convenient or not to get it done. Accomplishment after struggles is one of the best feelings any of us can feel. 

Motivational Monday #233: Don't forget to smile

  At first this may appear to be simple, basic & obvious, but it's a reminder that is never a bad one to have. One of the most contagious things in the world is a smile. A simple smile can change the entire trajectory of a day or even a life.  The smile may be to a stranger passing at Starbucks, a friend, co-worker, family member or even to your self in your rearview mirror :) take the time to smile.  I've heard it said that your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn. Lets turn our day up and by one simple gesture help turn others days that way too!

Motivational Monday #232: When it Rains

  Rain happen and no matter how hard we try, it will still happen. We need to embrace the rain. It may come at the most inopportune time, but after the rain passes it is usually followed by a rainbow to mark the new beginning; because rain does bring life. Lets not forget about the sun after a rain. It has an extra bit a beauty and warmth; same sun but a different perspective now.  It's important in all times to be grateful, thankful and pleased. Season come and season go; who we are remains steadfast. Do not let the season change who you are, but allow who you are to change the season.  The disciplines we grow in our life, the consistency we keep, our attitudes, our efforts, our countenance inside out out; those are thing intangibles that can help you create the very best for you and those around you.  It starts with YOU and from there the possibilities are endless based on the choices made, actions taken, routines kept, relationships forged and decisions made.  

Motivational Monday #231: Don't Wait

  Don't wait for the conditions to be perfect to go for it. Leaving the line is one of the ingredients to great conditions. (Perfect doesn't exist) Hesitation can drift into stalled out and sidelined if we are not careful. When we wait a bit, it becomes easier to wait again and for longer. Take the step forward, make the first action needed, weather you feel equip or not. If you want it bad enough, I promise you, you'll figure it out.  Plus, if the conditions were perfect, anyone could do it and that would make your accomplishment watered down.  You are not, we are not built to be watered down, bland or completely common. We are each built uniquely with talents and skill that we are meant to sharpen and use daily.   Don't wait...act. I implore you, act. You will look back and be thankful you didn't choose to stay where you are when you know where and who you are meant to be. 

Motivational Monday #230: Thoughts into Actions

  Do not let your thoughts get stuck in your head & hear for too long; move them from inside your body, to outside your body with the ACTION you take to make it a reality.  To many times we talk to other about something that they have wanted to do for a long time, but haven't taken a step towards it.  My encouragement for you today is to take a step towards not one thing, but many things you have been thinking about doing but haven't actually pursued yet. (and yes, this can be all over the board) from cleaning out a closet, to walking that mile a day to calling that past friend, starting that class, adding a new routine to your day; you get the idea. Now...lets move that idea from inside to outside. It may feel odd, it may feel great, but know that it was never meant to be kept inside in the first place...we are all but for thought and action together :)

Motivational Monday #229: Common Things, Uncommonly Well

  Many of the tasks we do daily are the same day after day. Many of them are the same task that many others do day after day as well. They can all easily blend in as the same; a bunch of items completed that are the same, bland & blended together. How is it then that we can stand out in the crowd with our moving the spotlight?  The answer is simple: Do the Common Things, Uncommonly Well.  We can choose to blend in -or- we can choose to be bright (a light) where we are by doing what we do, saying what we say & being who we are in an uncommonly way that stands out.  Think about your daily routine. Think about how you may be able to level up parts of it in an uncommon way. These small choices, over time lead to a greater impact in a positive direction for us & those around us.  

Motivational Monday #228: Thoughts are a Powerful First Step

  The first battle we face is usually within and not external. It's our self talk, our self doubt, our self thinking of can't before CAN. The external threats to our success or our happiness are second to the blocks we put up to our our hearts at times or to prevent us for the possibility of failure.  Not accomplishing a goal is tough I get it, but not trying to accomplish that is is the real failure in my opinion; and I mean really trying. Not just dipping our toe in slightly or wading out a but; I mean really going for it. When we really go for it we give ourselves a TRUE chance at the victory ahead of us. We control our self talk. Do not allow negativity to be the current that pushes your forward. If you are battling negativity or doubt I have always found that listening or reading something uplifting often and regularly can elevate my head and my heart. With both of those on the right path, my actions can follow and follow strongly in the direction of progress. 

Motivational Monday #227: It's not always about Us

  The world is big and there is a lot happening it in that is near to us as well as far. Some things that directly impact us while others may indirectly have an impact or literally no impact at all. Do not get too consumed with soo much that that you are weighed down.  Focus on what is closest to you that is impacting you, those around you and then make an impact there. The sidelines are not where you are meant to be so do not choose to live there.  This Roosevelt quote is one of my all time favorites. It's about action. Doing what you can, with what you have, where you are. Progress, not perfection. For ourselves and for others. It's completely unfair to expect others to be on our timelines, our responses, our needs right at the snap of something being needed. Tunnel vision & tunnel action is not for any. Remember that patience, grace & understanding are 3 of the best qualities each of us can posses & live in use.  It's about Us making an impact around Us. Le

Motivational Monday #226: Goals & Standards...

Goals:  The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aimed towards.  Standards:  The minimum level accepted to a habit or end result.    We get what we accept/tolerate; our standards. Standards are what we will allow for ourselves daily.  How we allow other to treat us, what we eat, where we invest our time, etc..   We can have our goals, they can be lofty, but if we don't have standards in our daily life/activities then those goals will always be out of reach.  Today I have one question, though it is not simple: What is your standard for yourself? This  questions has a bit of depth to it, but when we find the depth in in we will be better prepared to go out and achieve our goals, personally & professionally when we align our standards daily so we have the potential for achievement. This could small tweaks  or drastic changes. Its easy to make goals, it's much harder to do the standards daily in order to achieve them.

Motivational Monday #225: Did you plan for this

  This being today...This being this week. Today we start our journey through our work week. I have found that it is of paramount importance to take 5-15 minutes on Sunday afternoon or evening elevate my week exponentially. I get to feel like I am approaching the week and the week isn't approaching me.  A slight shift with a substantial impact.  Weather you are using a paper planner or your Outlook to schedule your days the outcome is the same. Taking the time to review and prep minimizes the 'surprises' that can happen; that can shift you off course. You are able to print, get or find what is needed before it is needed so then you can focus on who you are with, where you are at and what you are sharing.  If you are currently doing this weekly, AWESOME!!! If you are not, I want to challenge you to commit to doing it for the next 4 weeks and see if you notice a difference (you will) and it will be for the better for you, your family & those you work with. Leveling up isn

Motivational Monday #224: Finding Ways to Serve Others

  It is more blessed to give than to receive. That can be in items or in service. To be of service to another is an opportunity that we are presented with many times a day. Its just a matter of if we notice it or not; and sometimes if we are seeking it. I promise you, if you are seeking ways to serve through the day, you will find ways to serve. Service can come in many, many ways with a very similar ending for all of those ways. Gratitude, happiness, a bond formed, inspiration given; any of the biproducts of service are beneficial for yourself, them and those that both of you touch because it creates a ripple effect of positivity and I think we could all agree that there is never a bad time to bring a little more light into the world. Today how can you serve others? Here are a ways to get the ideas flowing.  Be someone's cheerleader Open a door with a smile Call and mend an old relationship Offer a solution and support to someone Call or write a word of encouragement to someone C

Motivational Monday #223: Creating Value

When we are meeting with people are we talking with them. Showing them something that we think is good. OR....are we creating value with not just what we are showing or talking about or delivering value based our our insight as well? It's not what we sell, it's about creating value around it.  Value isn't just in what something can do, it's in what it actually does and how to enact it.  Value is not just in what we do, but how we do it. Value isn't just being on a team, but how the team cohesively works together in support of one another.  Value is earned and worked for.  Value is what can set you apart in the office, market and even your community.  Strive to be valuable and bring value daily. That does not happen on accident, but by intention. Our value rises as we invest in ourselves, becoming a better version each day. Through this growth process we will also attract though that have the same mindset and goals. That creates accountability to being the bes