Motivational Monday #278: Skills & Supplies

 When going on a journey there are two things that you need to make sure are dialed in. Skills & Supplies; both are needed to be successful. One is worked on in order to create, improve & grow (Skills) while the other is acquired (supplies). 

Life is one heck of a journey right? And in this journey we have many micro journeys that come together to create the large one. What skills are each of us working on now to start to have, to grow better or even become a master at? If we wait on growing the skills needs the gap between where we are and where we want to be will grow instead of close. My encouragement to all of us is to take small steps of investment into ourselves to grow into where & who we want to be. 

On the supply side it's also important to research and find those 'things' that will help you along the journey. Widgets if you will that provide leverage to accelerate & create eases along the way. 

Seek, grow & use both. 


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