Motivational Monday #281: Remember your Umbrella

As the weather turns a bit, I'm sure at least a few of us have checked to make sure that we have an umbrella in our car just in case we need it. Umbrellas are a neat thing; when used properly they provide a barrier over us to keep the outside element of rain from soaking into us...some of you may see where this is going. 

Today is a small reminder to not allow other people to rain on your parade. Make sure you have your 'umbrella' of mental toughness with you in case you come across a storm front of negativity. When others see obstacles, look for the opportunity. When others see darkness, look for the light at the end of the tunnel. A cool thing, is that we can be that light as well or the umbrella for others. 

Many right now are struggling with seeing the glass as half empty, instead of half full. When we have the opportunity to encourage, I say we do it. When we have the opportunity to uplift, I say we do it. We not only bright up another persons day, but as we encourage & uplift we become more encouraged & full of joy. 

Remember your umbrella today for yourself & for those around you; the world around you will be better because of it; because of you. 


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