Motivational Monday #186: We are all at the same place


A new year is upon each of us which means we are all at the same starting line. 

It's up to us to run OUR BEST race. Do not get distracted by people in other lanes near you. That takes your sight off of your GOALS and is a distraction. Stay FOCUSED on YOU. Your intentions, actions and milestone achievements along the way to your BIG goals. 

We live in a noisy world; do your best to tune out the static and tune in to what and who will build you up with truth and help you achieve not just what you want to accomplish in 2022, but who you want to become in 2022.  

Now this 'race' I talk about isn't a sprint, no. This race take endurance. Endurance with your mind, body and heart. When you feel like it's getting tougher, train your mind to be excited about it and then we begin to find joy in growth and not fear. 

Be more fearful of staying exactly where you are then of what it will take to become who you want to become. 

...this isn't a solo journey, though it'll feel like it at times. In those times of struggle call someone in your circle, dig deep, remember your why and press on. Remember, a diamond only becomes a diamond because of the pressure it withstood. 

#GrowIntoGoals #DiggingDeep #WhatIsItWorthToYOU #BetterEveryday #YOURBest #ComparisonDistracts #CompeteWithYourYesterday 


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