Motivational Monday #189: Noise Canceling Headphones

Ignore the noise and focus on what matters. We live in a noisy world of push notifications, opinions, more media outlets to name not to mention all of the other forms that reach out to us to 'tell us' who we need to be, what to believe and what to do. 

When we cancel the noise, it's not tuning out all outside council, it's tuning out the outside that isn't qualified. That isn't there for you. That is talking at you and not with you. There is noise and there are sounds, voices that we want to hear. That we need to hear. That we have built trust with. When we ignore the noise it's better helps us tune into those which will help us grow and achieve our personal and professional development goals. 

  • Ignore the noise
  • Believe in yourself
  • Believe in the process
  • Put in the work


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