Motivational Monday #187: Pause to soak it in

Weather it's an accomplishment, a sunrise, a river or a kind gesture it's important to take the time to soak it in every once in a while. 

We are fast paced and that serves us well most of the time. There are times though that we need to catch a beat; pause and be present to or with what is before us. 

This morning I saw an incredible sunrise on the way to the office. Truly spectacular. I was on the top part of a hill about to descend down and continue in when I just briefly pulled over and just panned my eyes across the horizon to take it in. Then back to my commute and into the office I came. I have to tell you though, that 60 second pause really got me charged for today. 

When the opportunity presents itself I encourage you to take a pause and soak it in. 


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