Motivational Monday #191: Earning that Relax time

 What are the 3 things, not 2 or 4, but just 3. Three things that if you got them completed today you would feel that the day was a success and you could R-E-L-A-X after work? 

Now that you have those 3 things. Eliminate any blocks in your way from you getting those checked off and accomplished. I know how hard it can be a times to 'unwind' in the evenings. That is why sometime I give myself benchmark goals along the way so I can celebrate those milestones on my way to the greater goal being accomplished. 

  To accomplish those goals you have selected you may have to make some changes in your day. I'll tell you that many times I shit off notifications, close email or even put my phone on DND for periods of time because I know the thing I need to get done will not if I have any distraction. It's crazy how at times we will willingly allow and sometimes even invite distractions in to detour us from our goals. 

Today you got it...progress, not perfection.  


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