Motivational Monday #197: Without Words, We Say A Lot

 That attitude we bring to the 'what' of each day, each interaction matters. It matters a lot in fact. It is received by the people in our offices & outside of them when we are making sales calls in person, zoom or even on the phone. 

Below is a picture chart that I got off of Tony Robbins website. Let that sink in. I know that when we practice scripting that we really focus on the what we say, but we need to remember the How we say it and How we portray it as well. 

 These are the components that come together for us as communicators in all facets of our loves, not just in work. 

Today as we are communication let's think about what we are saying with the other 55%  and 38% of our communication. That may be the gap in where we are and where we want to be going. 

Typing this out today hit me so I'll be digging in here to grow. 

Let's grow together team!


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