Motivational Monday #196: How Deep Do We Dig

What calls for our attention? There are distractions galore in our worlds. It's out charge to fade out the true distractions and hone in on where & what we need to be doing. Many times we 100% know what to do, but we don't want to do it or we don't want to do it for as long as is needed to render the results we really want. The hard part of that is we may be right on the cusp of succeeding when we give up while at other times we really didn't give ourselves a chance to succeed & that could be for a myriad of reasons. We need to remember a couple of important points every day.

Some days we sill go faster & further than others. They run together. 

Some days we will feel like digging deep & some we won't feel like it. Dig deep anyway. 

We need to always be pushing ourselves to move forward. Part of pushing ourselves to move forward is having real conversations with ourselves an an accountability partner on what we are doing, where we are going, struggles & successes. It's OK to not win every time. We wither win or learn. It's just not ok to not give yourself a true change to win. 

No matter how you feel, 
get up, 
dress up, 
show up 
& give it your all. 


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