Motivational Monday #212: Obstacles? What Obstacles?


Are obstacles real? Yes, they sure are; but do we give them move head/heart space than they deserve...unfortunately for most of us the answer is yes. 

The great news, is that WE can change that. This choice is 100% up to us. Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will & focusing on the present obstacles or the obstacles that may lie ahead keeps us from achieving our goals. 

Yes, it may be more difficult for you than others, but you also don't know the silent battles others may be facing as well; focus on your road ahead and you'll be closer to your goals. 

This Morning: 

  • Remind yourself of your WHY(s).  
  • Tell yourself that you can achieve your GOAL(s).
  • Invest in yourself; YOU are worth it. 
  • Attack your day with verve towards each endeavor that you have, big & small.


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