Motivational Monday #213: The BIGGEST liar you'll ever meet


This is 100% true today, yesterday & tomorrow. 

Fear would have you believe that it will always go wrong in one way or another. 

Fear would have you believe that it's safer to not grow.  

Fear would have you believe that you have reached your potential, so staying put is best.

Fear would have you believe a ton on BS!! Fear is a LIAR. 

Do not let the whispers of fear in your ear prevent you from stepping out & stepping up. This could be in large or small acts; fear works in many arenas.

Instead I would charge you today & going forward to choose faith in moving forward. Faith in growing to where you want to be & who you want to be. 

You see Fear & Faith have 1 thing in common. They both would have you believe in something that has not happened yet. 

Faith will take you to far greater places than fear ever could dream of. Push the mute button on fear & crank up the volume on faith, action & encouragement. 


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