Motivational Monday #206: Back to School Day


So some of you know that in about a month Nicolette will have her first day of school. This approaches with a great deal of excitement, but also a little nervousness (probably on both sides). Many of you have had 1st day with your littles and have been through it for decades. 

We have really been focusing on being engaged with her. Playing outside, reading in the evenings, including her in dinner prep; really just trying to created connection moments & positive conversations. 

As I was doing some searching online for ways to help lessen the nerves of starting school I came across this above. It's labeled "8 Powerful Words-For School Kids". Though I believe that these reminders really know no age bound so I wanted to share them with each of us today. 

Take a few moments today to read through all 8 of them. Something will happen today, this week or going forward that we will need a reminder of 1 or more of these in our minds or hearts. It may not just be for us as individuals, but for someone we are with this week. 

Have a GREAT one!  


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