Motivational Monday #204: Pushing Through Boring

Today as I was driving into the office I was thinking through my mornings and how 'boring' they are. I have the same exact routine 99% of the time. I then through of how I could 'Change it up'. I immediately went to my 'Should' list. 

I realized that the change doesn't even have to remove what I'm already dong, they are needed, but I can dovetail in what would make it better not just then, but down the road as well. For me in the mornings now I'll be striving to read for 10 min & the big one is SWEAT. That may be cardio, Peloton, lifting or boxing; it just has to go on for long enough that I break a natural sweat. 

What is something that you have wanted to add to your routine that hasn't happened yet? What obstacles are there & how can they be removed? This is where accountability &/or Growth Groups can help. 

This can be on the personal side as I cited above or on the professional side with adding in more or a different type of Lead Generation or marketing with escrow. The possibilities are only limited by our imagination. 


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