Motivational Monday #205: Don't be afraid to stand out

 Standing out in a crowd. Sometimes we want to, sometimes we want to drift into the sea of the same. It can definitely be a battle. Standing out in a crowd isn't just about 'look at me' it's about having your voice heard. Knowing that people will benefit from what you have to offer. 

There is a lot of 'noise' in the world, not just in general, but in our worlds close to us. 

Social media, email, push notifications, calls, bill boards, ads, billboards, etc...

In order for us to be heard, by the audience that we would like to hear us we need to be better, we need to be different. Sometimes it doesn't take a great deal to stand out, but sometimes it will. We need to be willing to recognize those opportunities and seize them. 

When we put in the work/time to be prepared when we have the opportunity we are able to shine with our savvy; share with our care & secure or strengthen relationships with satisfaction all around. 


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