Motivational Monday #194 : Where do we want to go?

Where do we want to go today? We get up each morning with probably the same routine that sets the stage for the coming hours. Many days what we do is very similar to the last day right. The tasks may vary slightly, but in most jobs there are standards. 

Today it's a little reminder about not just what we do, but how we do it. The HOW can be an incredible came-change for ourselves and for those on our teams or whoever else we work with. 

The seven dwarfs made the song "Whistle While You Work" one that is burned into most memories right? They didn't just work, they did it with a little extra. The were together, they did it with anticipation, they got to do it. Any job or task can become cumbersome and at times a bit of a drag, but when we remember that we GET to do it and keep our WHY at the forefront it helps us bring that verve back to our daily tasks, no matter how big or how small. 

Which circles me back to the original statement. Where do we want to go? For each it will be different, but the reminders is all the same. When things get tough, cumbersome or repetitive remember where you want to go. Remember your WHY & your WHO(s). 

This will keep us moving towards our goals. Remember, motivation wears off so we rely on discipline to get us through the tough times and part of discipline is remembering our goals.

Go forth today in the direction towards achievement in your day & your bigger goals as well! 


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