Motivational Monday #202: Being Present

In a world full of notifications, alerts, updates, pings, and so on we have a lot of things that pull for our attention. Not all are bad, many are actually quite good. The struggle is really the timing. When they detour us from what or WHO we have in front of us it creates distraction. That distraction moves us away from the direction we were going that we were tuned into. 

I want to encourage us all today as a start today and challenge us to keep it going for the week at a minimum to really tune in on being present WHERE we are. With WHO we are with and WHAT we are doing. 

This kind of intentionality is actually more rare today than it should be. It lets the person know in front of you that they matter. If it's a task we are completing it reminds us that we began it for a reason and we should finish it as such as well. 

Sometimes the best present that we can give to another is simply our presence. Lets be there; all there! :)


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