
Showing posts from 2021

Motivational Monday #185: It starts here

What 'it' am I talking about? That is for you to decide. What do you want?  What achievement, accomplishment, goal, victory, realization, creation, fulfillment or masterpiece do you want? It all begins with a CHOICE . You first need to choose what you want; really want, not just kind of interested in, but really want.  Then you need to map it out:   What will you need for the journey.  Who will you need along the way.  What will you need to do in order to get there.  Who will you need to become in order to achieve it.  What do you need to let go of to reach there. Then trust the process with grit; sticking toward the pursuit of your 'it' when it gets hard (and it will).  If you want 'it' bad enough you'll get there, the CHOICE is YOURS.  #GetIt #Grit #ChoiceNotChance

Motivational Monday #184: What is the Formula for Success?

  You may have other ingredients to add, kind of like a family recipe but these are the staples that MUST be in the formula for it to work and sustain. Sustaining is key . Getting there takes so much you might as well plan on continuing that achievement for longevity and not just tasting it right?  Today write down which one of these is your super CRUSH it! Keep building that strength.  Next, write down the 2 you most need to grow in; not the easiest, but most needed.  Then pursue building those areas up. Not just to them being ok or good, but make them 2 more super powers for you! #YouGotThis #YoureWorthIt

Motivational Monday #183: A sticky note

Every day I start with 1 sticky note.  Just ONE.  I write on in the top 3 things I need to get done for the day. I am able to distill down down the urgent, important, necessary & time sensitive. This keeps me, at least in the morning focused to accomplished the musts in my day.  If you don't already have a system grab a package of sticky notes & give it a try. This can help prevent being overwhelmed feeling 'busy' & shift it to feeling productive. 

Motivational Monday #182: The Key to growth isn't motivation...

  The Key to growth is discipline.       Doing what we need to do, when we need to do it, weather we feel like it or not.  We will never always be motivated, that is why we need to be disciplined in achieving goals. Motivation may get us going, but it's discipline that keep us growing.  It's discipline that keeps us from hitting the snooze button.  It's discipline keep us on our time blocks (or creating them in the first place).  It's discipline that will aide is in reaching new heights that we once thought were unreachable.(and staying there)   We will never drift into sustained success or growth. We only get there through discipline, prioritization & accountability.  Think about ONE area that motivation has wore off. What disciplines can you enact to get yourself back on the track of where you want to be, and not to where you have drifted? ...don't forget to include accountability as well. Having someone keeping...

Motivational Monday #181: What we focus on...

 ...and pursue we achieve. Eliminating distractions is huge in being able to gain & maintain focus. Sometimes that means letting go of good in order to grab ahold of better or great. The decision is usually tougher to let go of good. It works right; but with better out there we need to sometimes. Letting go of bad is easy in order to grasp good; its reaching that next level that is huge. Many have the opportunity, but few do because good is good right? So the question today is are you ok with good or do you want better or great? If so, you have the resources internally (within you) and externally to help get you there. The CHOICE is yours. This is a choice that is made many times a day, from not hitting the snooze button to making the calls, to doing the follow up.  #YOUGotThis

Motivational Monday #180: 3 types of goals

Do Goals Be Goals Have Goals  I believe it is important to pursue all 3 types of goals, but equally important is to know the differences between them. If we don't differentiate them, then they get jumbled, clouded, unclear & lost. It's when we focus, narrow down & identify what we want that the magic of result has possibility. Hard work, dedication, grit & drive will get us there.  Do Goals: What you want to achieve; accomplish. (ie: I want to learn the guitar, I want to become 1st place in the top 3 offices in my market or volunteer monthly) Be Goals: This is all about the who you want/need to become as a person. We don't just achieve our goals, we grow into our goals. (ie: character development, as a spouse, friend, parent or community leader) Have Goals: These are the material things that you desire to own/have. Achieving the above goals help you achieve this one. (ie: 6 months reserves in savings, a rental property, home for your fam...

Motivational Monday #179: 10 More Left

Today is what we make of it. In the words of Wooden "Make Today Your Masterpiece." We have just 10 more Mondays in 2021. Let that sink in. We can make them incredible we we approach them with verve for growth, success, passion (you can keep choosing adjectives) :) Write down 10 goals that you want to accomplish by the end of the year and share them with an accountability buddy. It's important that we write them down, but also that we make them known to someone other than ourselves as well.  Have fun with this. Push yourself with this. You'll thank yourself for doing this.

Motivational Monday #178: We Set the Bar

The enthusiasm of the customer/client (really anyone) cannot rise higher then what we bring to their experience with us.  We set the bar for every meeting and interaction that we have on a daily basis. We begin setting it not when we show up, but on our way there. It's important for us to build small margins in our day to get our head and hearts right for what is coming next.  Cast nervousness aside.  Welcome in the expectation of success; every time.  When people have an interaction they don't just care about the 'what' we are sharing; as humans we crave the feeling of importance, care and connection as well. We cannot glaze past it, so as we embrace it we grow in depth of value and relationship which creates something that can be lasting. 

Motivational Monday #177: Creating, not Competing

  We may talk about competition but our most competitive rival is ourselves. We truly compete against ourselves.  Will | Desire | Drive | Execution Many things will pull us from the above terms, but it's up to us to stay true & focused to achieve what our goals are.  Don't get distracted by shiny objects, fads or other rabbit holes that appear.  Today focus on creating opportunities for yourself & seizing them. 

Motivational Monday #176: Goldfish Rock

  Did you know that the goldfish only has a 10 second memory? Yup, it's true just ask Ted Lasso.  They don't get discouraged, they keep swimming forward and do not let disappointment get them down. They have the horizon, or what is out front to look forward to. Today be encouraged that anything that may be weighing you down can only be temporary. Its up to us to replace it with the next good thing.  Bad sales call, move on and make a good one. Rough meeting with a client, focus on what you can learn from it and grow. This doesn't have to be just in a silo for worth either. I know for me when I feel a rut and a bit down I'll hop on my bike for 10 min or do another workout session for just 10 min and I'm refocused and good to go.  Have an amazing one! 

Motivational Monday #175: The Elevator is Broken

There is not a short cut to achieving sustained success. It takes time, work velocity, likability, willingness to learn & a sprinkle of luck here or there.  Don't get distracted with others journeys, learn, observe and pave your way.  Remember that true success isn't a reservation for one. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with other like-minded individuals that are in pursuit as well that will provide accountability & encouragement along the way. 

Motivational Monday #174: The Rudder

  It may be small in size, but it directs where the boat goes. Big boat, little rudder and it's in charge. All parts come together for the one goal or destination, but the rudder; it directs the path.  For us our rudder is our attitude. We can either see the opportunity in the day or we can see just problems.  The rudder controls the WHOLE direction of the ship. Our attitude controls the WHOLE direction of us. Are we seeing solutions or every problem; or the problem with every solution?  Regardless of where we are, we each have a great deal to be thankful for and when we take moments throughout the day to lift up our attitudes/outlook we set course for the destination we wanted in a direct path. We can also help others stay or get back to their paths as well.  Stay the course & it's an honor to be sailing with each of you. 

Motivational Monday #173: One Small Act

Opening a door Greeting with a smile Getting the coffee for the person behind you Taking the time to make the call  ...the ways are limitless One small act can turn a persons days from dreary to bright. It can even tune a rough day, week, month or year around. The impact of 1 small act of kindness can make a BIG impact & I'm not just talking about for the other person. When we walk, live & act looking for opportunities to be kind, to encourage; to be a blessing to others we change.  Today, look for an opportunity & I encourage you that when you feel it/see it, be bold and act.  Make today amazing for you & someone (or even more) :)

Motivational Monday #172: Have FEAR today

  We all have it at times; that's given. We do get to choose what type of FEAR that we live in though. My encouraging today is to live in the latter.  There will be struggles in our day; there are struggles in everyone's day. It's how we respond that matters. You are capable, you are equip, you can do it. Have belief in you, in what you know & part of what you know is how to the use the resources around you to overcome any obstacle that comes us. *remember that the human resources around you are the best; ask for help.   Adversity doesn't just build character, but it also reveals character. Each of us are able to step up, solve & soar through the day. #RiseUp  

Motivational Monday #171: Drifting or Driving

  As seasons change new distractions approach us. Today is about a check-in. For us to see if we are drifting towards our goals or driving towards them.  When distractions approach us they are not always bad things, but at times good things that distract us from great.  Tunnel Vision (focus) is a key to us achieving our goal(s). Focusing on what our goals are and the steps to get there is how we keep moving forward. Driving our day, keeping the reigns forward and steady personally and professionally this can be applied to.  Each of us is more capable than we realize, we just need to stay dedicated, ask for guidance when needed, stay humble and put in the time. That mixture of ingredients will lead us to new levels and an exciting addition to that is that others around us will be inspired to reach for new levels as well. 

Motivational Monday #170: Connecting Dots

  Being the person they call when there is a need, question or idea is HUGE. To be that kind of resource we need to be filling ourselves with marketplace and industry information that will grow our knowledge base. ...and don't forget our secret weapon....each other :) What types of reading, podcasts, industry news outlets are you using to grow your knowledge base so you can be a deep well of knowledge?  Here are a few below and please share your favorites as well.

Motivational Monday #169: Always be Open

  Always be open for growth. Always be open to seeing things in a new light. Always be open to trying something new to see if it works.  Always be open for being open.  Being married to a result of success is key, but being flexible in how you get there is important. Circumstances change. Markets change. Industries change. Change is constant so we need to remain open and flexible. That doesn't me that we just accept everything, but we test, try and evaluate to see what works.  Proud of each of you!

Motivational Monday #168: Before you hit E

 We live in a go, go go world which means a lot of our life is the same. Sometimes it feels like we are living and doing in fast forward. That is why it is important that when we see warning signs we listen. Just like a vehicle we need fuel to function; to do what we are created to do. We know at some point we will need to refuel, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It's really important that we don't always run ourselves down past E, but take care of ourselves. When we choose to take care of ourselves we are able to take care of our responsibilities and others. Now, we do have at AAA of sorts around for when we don't listen and take care of ourselves (run out of gas on the side of the road) We all have a sphere of family, friends or business partners that are there to help pull us up. We have them and to many we are that person as well, which is why we can't run on E. When we are in E it doesn't just effect us, but those around us to.  Today remember...

Motivational Monday #167: Check in with you...

 ...before you check in with the world. Our days are jam pack with a lot, so it's important to put in a little prep work before the day is ushered in onto us. It's important that we check in with ourselves, before we check in with the world. That means before emails, facebook notifications, instagram,, turning on the morning news, etc... Taking 5-10 minutes with ourselves to begin the day can make a HUGE impact on how we get through our day. Gaining perspective, fuel & filling up our internal cup (maybe even with an external cup of coffee to) :)  This brief check in time will make a world of difference not just for you, but for that world you are about to check into and make an impact in.  Have a great one today! ...these check ins are also powerful to do at night as a wind down before bed. 

Motivational Monday # 166: 2 years ago

2 years ago today...        How were you?           Where were you?                     Who were you? We always have 2 choices:      a) Forward into Growth     b) Back towards Comfort Today, take a few moments and reflect on how you have changed in just the last 2 years, personally & professionally. How did you get there, what did you do, who was there for you along the way. Also, look forward towards where & who you want to be so you are better equipped to get there. In order for us to really move forward we sometimes need a pause to reflect, recharge or revise what we are doing to make sure we can rev up & grow where we desire.  Make today amazing for yourself & those around you. 

Motivational Monday #165: What are we going to learn today?

Each day come with opportunity; it's up to us to pursue it. Some days the opportunity is found at our doorstep, while other days it is hidden a bit and we must search for it. Weather it comes easily or through perseverance, it's there.  Learning something new can be a large undertaking that is developed over a certain number of days, weeks months or even years. There are also those 'Ah-Ha' moments where we learn something new when the light bulb goes off and it seemingly take but a mere instance.  Today, lets see what we can learn and then apply. It's a travesty when we learn something new and it stays on the shelf unused. 

Motivational Monday #164: What's your diet

Our diet is not just the food we eat...  It is the people we hang around with, the things we watch, the books we read, the things we listen to and the activities we choose to do...being mindful of what we put into our bodies physically, mentally, spiritually & emotionally give us a healthy diet to create success in all facets of our lives.  Today take some time to feed yourself something that you've been missing. Something you have felt you have been to busy for. When we are better inside it makes our outside better to. Shine today team!

Motivational Monday #163: Beyond the Target

Beyond the Target...Past the Finish Line...that is where our goals should be.  This isn't a goal out of hubris, but out of necessity. Things don't always go 100% according to plan so planning to surpass your goal allows us to hit it. Don't take this just for professional goal setting as well. This is applicable for all facets of our life wherever we want to achieve growth.  Today think about your goals and what it will take from you and from others in order to achieve it. Then add in what you'll need in order to surpass it by a bit; make that your new goal. This larger vision for yourself will rise your tide, but as the saying goes a rising tide raises all boats. You will also be elevating those around you creating a ripple effect of growth helping people achieve things that they did not think they were capable of. Nothing great or worthwhile was ever achieve on our own; doing this together makes the accomplishments sweet.  Get it Team! #BetterEveryDay  

Motivational Monday #162: How We Learn

We are all different. Beautifully and wonderfully made, but different. We celebrate the difference, that is what makes us uniquely us; you uniquely YOU.  We all can lean anyway, but there is usually one way that we soak it up best. As we each know how we best learn, absorb and retain information when we are learning it is important to think of those around us as well.  When we are presenting we can't just do it for the style that we learn best, aur audiences are vast and different. We need to be hitting on all levels. Is it easy to do, no, but you are not average. You can put in the extra work that most will choose not to. That extra work focusing on connection will pay off; personally and professionally. Today focus on connection for yourself and others. Make sure you are setting yourself up for success learning your best way while also growing to learn on other ways. It can only bring strength.  Connection grows relationships. Fact. Grow your connection with yourse...

Motivational Monday #161: A Smile

 Today is a simple reminder to smile. :) Yes, a smile is a facial expression, but really it is so much more. You can hear & feel as smile. They cost us nothing, but have a great value. Weather we are in person, on a zoom, phone call, voicemail or video your smile comes through.  Smiles can break down  walls, build bridges & create bonds. There is more power in a smile then we may initially think, but today smile every time you pick up your phone or see someone and notice the difference in both of you.  Your smile may be that ONE thing that changes a person's day around and lifts them up . It may be a stranger, family member or teammate. ...and remember, the smile isn't just for others, but it's for YOU as well. Find a mirror,'re worth it.  Have a great day & let's help make others days great too!

Motivational Monday #160: Change is a Guarantee

There is always going to be pain in change, big or small. Change is also a constant. It could be slight change or on a larger scale; it's important for us to have vision through change.  It's through our actions, attitude & attention to detail that we can also have Gain in Change .  We(You) have the talent, skill & ability to thrive through & an exciting part is that when others are frozen but change or adversity; you are not. You are prepared. You know how to adapt & change to keep moving forward. Your actions, words & countiance can also work as inspiration for others to not sulk, but to rise up as well.  *Remember* that you are not alone when changes come. Life, business are not solo journeys. On our team asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Tap into the human resources around you, not simply the technology ones.  Set sail today with purpose & determination to have Gain. We don't survive change, we thrive...

Motivational Monday #159: What do you expect when you begin?

  Expectations...there are many thoughts on expectations. Are they good to have? Are they set to high? Set to low?  What I want to talk about today is actual expectations, not just verbal ones. We may say that "We expect the meeting to go good." "That we will have a great day." But I want to go a bit we really expect that, or are we just saying it because that's what we say? I s our core, or deep expectation that we will succeed? I really hope it is. For me I expect to achieve, but that is only because of the preparation put in and the people around me.  My encouragement for us today is to grow our feeling of certainty of expectation for success , growth and achievement for ourselves and as we grow we will be encouraging others as well.  First, we can grow this by making sure our foundations prep work and routines/habits set us up for success. We secondly do this by making sure we keep company around us that is encouraging, uplifting & e...

Motivational Monday # 158 : Don't be afraid...

Image CAN do it! Having big goals is a great thing! That means that we get to grow into or become the parson needed to achieve them. That also means working with the team(s) around us to achieve them, because nothing great was ever achieved solo.  What is your timeline for the goal? What can you do today to get closer to it? Are you? Can you accelerate achievement IF something happened?  What is that thing?  We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. Tap in, dig deep, cast out your net & engage your pursuit.  You are closer than you realize. 

Motivational Monday #157: Hello, my name is....

  This was something Ed shared with us YEARS ago and it has always stuck with me. These two go hand-in-had together.  Day in & day out what we do matters. It doesn't matter what we do sometimes nearly as much as what we do all the time. We we do consistently is what matters the most.  Today look at your routine and audit it. What is in your routine? What has disappeared from it? Are the actions/habits in your routine positive or negative for you?  "Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come." -Dwayne Johnson Sometimes things can become a part of our routine and we don't even realize it so really look at it and see what's there. Our routine has a compound effect and we want to make sure what we are compounding is good for us.  Have a great day!!

Motivational Monday #156: Progress, not...

Perfection. Moving forward, towards your goal with planning & purpose.  Don’t wait for your plan to be perfect before you go or you’ll never leave the starting line. We can always audit, pivot or change as we are moving forward towards our goal but being in movement is KEY.  Today think about something you’ve been meaning to start but have not yet and then ack, go, start it.  You got this!  ...ask for help ...use your tribe ...use your resources

Motivational Monday #155: "I never learned anything while I was....

 ....talking."  Last week one of the most prolific interviewers of all time passed away; Mr. Larry King.  For decades upon decades he interviewed leaders, influencers, creators, innovators from all around the world. He has shared a lot of great insight and created great discussions through his time on air. The quote below is one that stuck with me over the weekend. It served as a reminder that if I want to learn more I need to ask better questions, more frequently & then listen. Listen to understand, not listen to respond. Follow up with better questions that can lead to connection and depth. Today, focus on the questions we are asking...who we are asking them to....and what we can do with the information that we learn from our questions.  Have an incredible day today!

Motivational Monday #154: Masterpiece

Tomorrow is not here and yesterday is gone, but today, today is here for each of us as a blank canvas. It's our canvas to create what we would like. My hope for each of us today is not to just create something comfortable; something that comes easy, but to create something at the end of the day we can look back on with a full heart and peace of mind that what we did was special & we gave it our all.  Our styles are all different so no two masterpieces will be the same and that is great. The goal of today, and every day is to create YOUR Masterpiece, not someone else's. Please take to hear that as your are creating your masterpiece others will notice. Others will be impacted by it and you can help lift up their day from just another day into a masterpiece as well.  Have an incredible day TEAM!!

MM #153: Can You Hear Me Now?

As we continue in a more virtual/digital sales environment finding ways to effectively communicate on different platforms is super important for all of us. Knowing that may communicate differently so it's not one size fits all. We are required to adapt, pivot and connect.  Communication is good, but connection is the goal of the communication, so being effective to the other side of the phone, zoom, text, dm, etc... is what counts; that's how we weigh our success.  The "Can You Hear Me Now?" was made famous nearly 2 decades ago and it rings true today. He was talking, getting his message out, but if the person he was trying to reach couldn't hear him then the message is lost.  For us in sales, timing, tact, mode & messaging are all keys to helping us connect in our conversations. This is true for Cold Calls,  Leads, Prospects & Client (I would even add our escrow partners to this list).  This week focus on connection through conversation...