Motivational Monday #154: Masterpiece

Tomorrow is not here and yesterday is gone, but today, today is here for each of us as a blank canvas. It's our canvas to create what we would like. My hope for each of us today is not to just create something comfortable; something that comes easy, but to create something at the end of the day we can look back on with a full heart and peace of mind that what we did was special & we gave it our all. 

Our styles are all different so no two masterpieces will be the same and that is great. The goal of today, and every day is to create YOUR Masterpiece, not someone else's. Please take to hear that as your are creating your masterpiece others will notice. Others will be impacted by it and you can help lift up their day from just another day into a masterpiece as well. 

Have an incredible day TEAM!!


  1. Love this reminder Colin. Be present in the present and don't hold back for anything.

    1. 100%...being present where we are at and who we are with is huge.


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