MM #153: Can You Hear Me Now?

As we continue in a more virtual/digital sales environment finding ways to effectively communicate on different platforms is super important for all of us. Knowing that may communicate differently so it's not one size fits all. We are required to adapt, pivot and connect. 

Communication is good, but connection is the goal of the communication, so being effective to the other side of the phone, zoom, text, dm, etc... is what counts; that's how we weigh our success. 

The "Can You Hear Me Now?" was made famous nearly 2 decades ago and it rings true today. He was talking, getting his message out, but if the person he was trying to reach couldn't hear him then the message is lost. 

For us in sales, timing, tact, mode & messaging are all keys to helping us connect in our conversations. This is true for Cold Calls,  Leads, Prospects & Client (I would even add our escrow partners to this list). 

This week focus on connection through conversation. We can go deeper & wider at the same time. It's not an either/or proposition. 


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