Motivational Monday #163: Beyond the Target

Beyond the Target...Past the Finish Line...that is where our goals should be. 

This isn't a goal out of hubris, but out of necessity. Things don't always go 100% according to plan so planning to surpass your goal allows us to hit it. Don't take this just for professional goal setting as well. This is applicable for all facets of our life wherever we want to achieve growth. 

Today think about your goals and what it will take from you and from others in order to achieve it. Then add in what you'll need in order to surpass it by a bit; make that your new goal. This larger vision for yourself will rise your tide, but as the saying goes a rising tide raises all boats. You will also be elevating those around you creating a ripple effect of growth helping people achieve things that they did not think they were capable of. Nothing great or worthwhile was ever achieve on our own; doing this together makes the accomplishments sweet. 

Get it Team!



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