Motivational Monday #174: The Rudder

 It may be small in size, but it directs where the boat goes. Big boat, little rudder and it's in charge. All parts come together for the one goal or destination, but the rudder; it directs the path. 

For us our rudder is our attitude. We can either see the opportunity in the day or we can see just problems. 

The rudder controls the WHOLE direction of the ship. Our attitude controls the WHOLE direction of us. Are we seeing solutions or every problem; or the problem with every solution? 

Regardless of where we are, we each have a great deal to be thankful for and when we take moments throughout the day to lift up our attitudes/outlook we set course for the destination we wanted in a direct path. We can also help others stay or get back to their paths as well. 

Stay the course & it's an honor to be sailing with each of you. 


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