Motivational Monday #161: A Smile

 Today is a simple reminder to smile. :) Yes, a smile is a facial expression, but really it is so much more. You can hear & feel as smile. They cost us nothing, but have a great value.

Weather we are in person, on a zoom, phone call, voicemail or video your smile comes through. 

Smiles can break down walls, build bridges & create bonds.

There is more power in a smile then we may initially think, but today smile every time you pick up your phone or see someone and notice the difference in both of you.  Your smile may be that ONE thing that changes a person's day around and lifts them up. It may be a stranger, family member or teammate. ...and remember, the smile isn't just for others, but it's for YOU as well. Find a mirror,'re worth it. 

Have a great day & let's help make others days great too!


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