Motivational Monday #160: Change is a Guarantee

There is always going to be pain in change, big or small. Change is also a constant. It could be slight change or on a larger scale; it's important for us to have vision through change. 

It's through our actions, attitude & attention to detail that we can also have Gain in Change

We(You) have the talent, skill & ability to thrive through & an exciting part is that when others are frozen but change or adversity; you are not. You are prepared. You know how to adapt & change to keep moving forward. Your actions, words & countiance can also work as inspiration for others to not sulk, but to rise up as well. 

*Remember* that you are not alone when changes come. Life, business are not solo journeys. On our team asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Tap into the human resources around you, not simply the technology ones. 

Set sail today with purpose & determination to have Gain. We don't survive change, we thrive through it. 

"I asked myself, why is it that the ship beats the waves, when they are so many and the ship is one? The reason is that the ship has a purpose, and the waves have none. They just flop around, innumerable, tireless, but ineffective. The ship with the purpose takes us where we want to go." -Winston Churchill 


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