Motivational Monday #180: 3 types of goals

Do Goals

Be Goals

Have Goals 

I believe it is important to pursue all 3 types of goals, but equally important is to know the differences between them. If we don't differentiate them, then they get jumbled, clouded, unclear & lost.

It's when we focus, narrow down & identify what we want that the magic of result has possibility. Hard work, dedication, grit & drive will get us there. 

Do Goals: What you want to achieve; accomplish. (ie: I want to learn the guitar, I want to become 1st place in the top 3 offices in my market or volunteer monthly)

Be Goals: This is all about the who you want/need to become as a person. We don't just achieve our goals, we grow into our goals. (ie: character development, as a spouse, friend, parent or community leader)

Have Goals: These are the material things that you desire to own/have. Achieving the above goals help you achieve this one. (ie: 6 months reserves in savings, a rental property, home for your family or a Rolex)

When planning for 2022 is important the we plan specifically so we can execute well in achievement for all of our areas. Keep this in mind as we head into planning season so our plans for 2022 are not just sheets of paper, but actionable, motivating & achievable.


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