Motivational Monday #176: Goldfish Rock

 Did you know that the goldfish only has a 10 second memory? Yup, it's true just ask Ted Lasso. 

They don't get discouraged, they keep swimming forward and do not let disappointment get them down. They have the horizon, or what is out front to look forward to. Today be encouraged that anything that may be weighing you down can only be temporary. Its up to us to replace it with the next good thing. 

Bad sales call, move on and make a good one. Rough meeting with a client, focus on what you can learn from it and grow. This doesn't have to be just in a silo for worth either. I know for me when I feel a rut and a bit down I'll hop on my bike for 10 min or do another workout session for just 10 min and I'm refocused and good to go. 

Have an amazing one! 


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