Motivational Monday #167: Check in with you...

 ...before you check in with the world.

Our days are jam pack with a lot, so it's important to put in a little prep work before the day is ushered in onto us. It's important that we check in with ourselves, before we check in with the world. That means before emails, facebook notifications, instagram,, turning on the morning news, etc...

Taking 5-10 minutes with ourselves to begin the day can make a HUGE impact on how we get through our day. Gaining perspective, fuel & filling up our internal cup (maybe even with an external cup of coffee to) :)  This brief check in time will make a world of difference not just for you, but for that world you are about to check into and make an impact in. 

Have a great one today!

...these check ins are also powerful to do at night as a wind down before bed. 


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