Motivational Monday #263: Take the Stairs


Unlike the mall where you can choose the elevator, escalator or stairs there is only one real choice for success...the stairs. One step at a time is a good thing. Keep pace, moving forward towards your goals. Some steps we may be on longer than others and that is ok. We can plateau there for a time to prepare us for the next set of steps ahead.  Focus forward. Act forward. 

Do not become distracted by the pace of others going on the stairs. You don't know the story; but you do know yours and that is the one that counts. Comparison is the thief of all joy, so don't let it in. 

Earn each step along the way, celebrate victories, help others with their steps & before you know it you'll be closer to you goals growing along the way into the person you needed to become in order to accomplish what you had your sights on. 


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