Motivational Monday #265: The Adversity Advantage

 In life we all will face adversity. How will we respond. Will we choose to fight forward or retreat in fear. Adversity is hard, hard things grow us when we choose to become an overcomer and not a statistic. It will be hard, there will be people around that encourage you to retreat to safe, because safe is easiest. You may also have people cheering for you to push through; listen there. 

When you choose to push through, grow into the adversity, moving forward no matter at what speed, but forward you become better inside where your fire grows and as you come through the other side you are now stronger than you though you could be. You are more equipped than before. You are more ready than you ever realized. What caused hardship and maybe even pain in now an advantage for you. An advantage, because you overcame. You chose a mindset that you can and then you took action. You are stronger than you realize. You are capable of so much. Belief, Mindset, Action & Grit are all ingredients (along with many others) in a recipe for overcoming obstacles that come in life, adversity. Cultivate those and adversity will be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block for you.  


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