Motivational Monday #268: Reflect in Clear Water Each Day

Each day should have a debrief. It does not have to be long to be impactful. It's important to reflect and to do the reflection with a clear mind. Days can get busy, be chaotic, but still very productive and great days. It's important to let it boil down, before the

reflection time so we can look/review our day through a clear lens. 

While in our brief reflection of the day here are a few sample questions you could ask yourself. Having good answers to these few questions nearly make it certain that you had a good day. 

  • What was one kind thing you did for someone today?
  • What was the best part of your day?
  • What was the worst part of your day?
  • What is something you learned today? 
  • What was one kind thing someone did for you today?
Create a great day today for you & those around you. You never know the impact you may make in someone's life by one conversation you have today.


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