Motivational Monday #241: Which Mode are You Going to Choose Today?

 Each day we have a TON of choices right? One choice that is super important is what mode we choose to live the day in. There are many we can pick from, but I've distill the list down to a core few for us to look at. 

  • Survival mode
  • Blend in mode
  • Thrive mode
Yes, this may be an over simplification of it, it is does show that we do make a choice and with each choice there are many iterations that can branch off from it. 
My encouragement today is to choose the mode that you know is best, not just the one you may feel like. Feelings can be misleading; using our head & heart together is the recipe that we need to use. 

Thriving isn't just great for you, but it shows an example to those around you. Younger, older & peers alike. It shows that regardless of feeling you are choosing to pursue & become the best version of yourself & I believe we can all agree that is a goal worth pursuing. 


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