Motivational Monday #240: Joy in the Journey, not just the Destination


Destinations (goals) are amazing. We set our sights high, push ourselves in pursuit of that goal, overcome obstacles, grow into the person we want to be & eventually achieve the goal we set out to accomplish; reaching the destination we had our sights set on. That is amazing! But...if we only celebrate and enjoy the final result we are robbing ourselves of a ton of joy through the other victories, bug & small, internal & external on our way. 

Finding joy in the journey & not just in the destination created an internal fuel that keeps us motivated with verve on our pursuit. We won't always 'feel' like giving it our all each day, but when we have joy in the journey the feeling of joy pushes out the doubt & keeps us going. We cannot feel joy & doubt at the same time. Allow the joy to win & you will win in soo many incredible ways.  


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