Motivational Monday #231: Don't Wait


Don't wait for the conditions to be perfect to go for it. Leaving the line is one of the ingredients to great conditions. (Perfect doesn't exist) Hesitation can drift into stalled out and sidelined if we are not careful. When we wait a bit, it becomes easier to wait again and for longer. Take the step forward, make the first action needed, weather you feel equip or not. If you want it bad enough, I promise you, you'll figure it out. 

Plus, if the conditions were perfect, anyone could do it and that would make your accomplishment watered down. 

You are not, we are not built to be watered down, bland or completely common. We are each built uniquely with talents and skill that we are meant to sharpen and use daily.  

Don't wait...act. I implore you, act. You will look back and be thankful you didn't choose to stay where you are when you know where and who you are meant to be. 


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