Motivational Monday #232: When it Rains


Rain happen and no matter how hard we try, it will still happen. We need to embrace the rain. It may come at the most inopportune time, but after the rain passes it is usually followed by a rainbow to mark the new beginning; because rain does bring life. Lets not forget about the sun after a rain. It has an extra bit a beauty and warmth; same sun but a different perspective now. 

It's important in all times to be grateful, thankful and pleased. Season come and season go; who we are remains steadfast. Do not let the season change who you are, but allow who you are to change the season. 

The disciplines we grow in our life, the consistency we keep, our attitudes, our efforts, our countenance inside out out; those are thing intangibles that can help you create the very best for you and those around you. 

It starts with YOU and from there the possibilities are endless based on the choices made, actions taken, routines kept, relationships forged and decisions made. 


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