Motivational Monday #229: Common Things, Uncommonly Well

 Many of the tasks we do daily are the same day after day. Many of them are the same task that many others do day after day as well. They can all easily blend in as the same; a bunch of items completed that are the same, bland & blended together. How is it then that we can stand out in the crowd with our moving the spotlight? 

The answer is simple: Do the Common Things, Uncommonly Well. 

We can choose to blend in -or- we can choose to be bright (a light) where we are by doing what we do, saying what we say & being who we are in an uncommonly way that stands out. 

Think about your daily routine. Think about how you may be able to level up parts of it in an uncommon way. These small choices, over time lead to a greater impact in a positive direction for us & those around us.  


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