Motivational Monday #222: What IS Possible

 What IS possible for you today? 

Do that. Don't let what cannot be achieved today stop you from achieving what CAN be done today. At times we can focus on the cannot, and not the CAN. It is true that many this are not possible to achieve It is also TRUE that there are MANY things that CAN be achieved those things & do them world class. 

There can be circumstance that are out of your control, don't let them hold you down; pivot. 

There can be people around you that are negative, don't let it in your hear or hear. 

There can be opportunities disguised as hard work, go for it. 

There can be people around you to help, be of service. 

It comes down to choices & not chance. Today, focus on what IS possible. Do those things & do them well then see what happens. You may be surprised that what becomes possible tomorrow grows due to your actions & attitude of today. 


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