Motivational Monday #224: Finding Ways to Serve Others

 It is more blessed to give than to receive. That can be in items or in service. To be of service to another is an opportunity that we are presented with many times a day. Its just a matter of if we notice it or not; and sometimes if we are seeking it. I promise you, if you are seeking ways to serve through the day, you will find ways to serve. Service can come in many, many ways with a very similar ending for all of those ways. Gratitude, happiness, a bond formed, inspiration given; any of the biproducts of service are beneficial for yourself, them and those that both of you touch because it creates a ripple

effect of positivity and I think we could all agree that there is never a bad time to bring a little more light into the world.

Today how can you serve others? Here are a ways to get the ideas flowing. 

  • Be someone's cheerleader
  • Open a door with a smile
  • Call and mend an old relationship
  • Offer a solution and support to someone
  • Call or write a word of encouragement to someone
  • Coffee for the person behind you


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