Motivational Monday #162: How We Learn

We are all different. Beautifully and wonderfully made, but different. We celebrate the difference, that is what makes us uniquely us; you uniquely YOU. We all can lean anyway, but there is usually one way that we soak it up best. As we each know how we best learn, absorb and retain information when we are learning it is important to think of those around us as well. When we are presenting we can't just do it for the style that we learn best, aur audiences are vast and different. We need to be hitting on all levels. Is it easy to do, no, but you are not average. You can put in the extra work that most will choose not to. That extra work focusing on connection will pay off; personally and professionally. Today focus on connection for yourself and others. Make sure you are setting yourself up for success learning your best way while also growing to learn on other ways. It can only bring strength. Connection grows relationships. Fact. Grow your connection with yourse...