Motivational Monday #59: Sharpening Your Sword

How have you sharpened your sword today? ...or since it's early in the last couple of days? It's imperative that we are always spending some time each day working on ourselves to grow in knowledge & practice so when it's time to meet with or cold call a prospect/client we are on point, prepared and CONFIDENT. This can be done in a variety of ways. Here are a few ideas below.
  • Practice a presentation while driving
  • Research on ITS Connect
  • Look at the housing statistics in your market (see links below)
  • Look at our best practices scripts and make them your own

The key takeaway from this is really the follow up after you "sharpen the sword" is to put it into action! If we just sharpen the sword to improve, but do not put into use it become a waste of time. So let's sharpen the sword today & then put it into action to win the day!  


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