So I have seen this new year (which I can't believe is already half over) as an amazing revamp for me personally and professionally. Personally I believe I have become more self aware, expanded my vision & am happy with the reflection in the mirror every morning. Professionally I was secure enough to walk away from a job that was secure in order to achieve what I wanted. (We should all enjoy what we do as we spend a lot of time doing it) We are never 'stuck' in a situation, it's just that at times the only way out is a big risk or my be uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, I loved all of my co-workers and consider them family and the industry was and still is great, the company was poorly executing therefore I couldn't deliver the service levels that I felt my customers deserved. After taking three months off recharging, doing volunteer work, spending more time with my family all the while growing a sweet beard I was ready to get back into the industry t...
Standing at the base of a journey looking up my feel daunting. That may be true, it m ay be daunting, but worth it. We choose the journey ahead, forward & up because we want to improve, grow, succeed & provide. We grow into that accomplishment & when we get to the top we enjoy the view and celebrate. Please remember the journey that we take in order to get there. Those are the victors, wins, setbacks and stories that create it all while creating who & what we are. We are capable. We are equipped. We are worth it.
Earlier this month we had a teammate retire after 62 years with the company; yes 62 years! She shared with us all many stories from her years in the industry that were incredible, but one thing that really stood out to Donna and Myself was her final message that I have below in the picture. She was adamant that she always gave it her best, not just for herself, but for those that relied on her. Her family. Her clients. Her escrow teams. She said that it was about the people around her just as much as her. That is what pushed her to do what she needed to do, when it needed to be done weather she felt like it or not. I just wanted to share Sue's words with us all today.
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