Motivational Monday #260: Sharpen You Axe

The axe is the tool of the lumberjack. They know the importance of it. Not just of itself, but also the condition it is in.

Therefore, they invest their time to keep it at high performance level. When the blade is sharp it takes less force to cut through and do the task at hand. On the other side, if time is not taken to sharpen the blade, the same task will talk longer and be more of a struggle.

For us, we need to remember to pause, step away and sharpen our axe. It's our job to sharpen the axe; if it's dull, that is on us. Regular work of of an axe wears it down, therefore the practice of sharpening isn't a once in a while thing but a regular occurrence. When we need to be sharpened, that means we were DOING, we were attacking our tasks before us.

Today what trees are you going to chop down? Get to work on those knowing that it'll take something out of you; worthwhile things do. Also, promise yourself that following that this evening you'll sharpen your axe as well. 

Cut down trees today with a sharp blade, then sharpen it tonight by taking care of yourself. When both happen it's a win. Don't make yourself begin tomorrow with a dull blade.


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