Motivational Monday #256: Until the Buzzer Sounds

 Until the buzzer sounds we give it our all; we give it our best. We may win, we may lose(learn), but we never give up. Giving up is defeating yourself. 

Weather we are way our in front or behind things can change. Our effort should not though. We should always be striving to give it our BEST. Yes, on certain days our best is different and that is ok. Reaching and achieving our potential for that day is a WIN. 

When we go until the buzzer, past the finish line there is a sense of pride/accomplishment knowing that you gave it your best. 

Think of a time when you didn't hit your goal, but after you think about it and know it your heart that you may have been able to if you had fully applied yourself...that isn't a good feeling; now flush that one. 

Now think of a time when you gave it your all on your own or with teammates and you accomplished your goal or even accomplished a greater goal...that is the feeling that should stay with you; that should stay with all of us. 

We are each game-changers for or lives and for the lives of those around us; that pressure is a privilege. Today, give it your best and at the end of it reflect on the small decisions you made during the day, that made a change for the better. That reflection/acknowledgement of the impact will be part of the fuel to make it ongoing and not just a day of action. 

Make today amazing!  


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