Motivational Monday #251: That is what makes it so valuable.

 Nothing good is easy, and that is what makes it so valuable. 

It's not easy, and that is ok. There are very few things in life that are easy. Those things that are easy are rarely noteworthy...wouldn't you agree? 

Having the DRIVE to push, persist, overcome & achieve is not easy, but always worth it. I can be easier at times to push-through when others are watching, but the times when it's just you; no other eyes or accountability, that is when the victories are won. We win when we do it when it is not glamorous, there is no applause or kudos. Having the fortitude to do the things that need to be done, weather we feel like it or not makes the compounded difference in our lives. 

Choose to do. Choose to act. Choose to achieve. Remove the phrase "I wish it were easier" from your vocabulary and replace it with Simpler. I myself wish things were simpler at times. Nothing noteworthy is easy. 


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