Motivational Monday #234: The Only Easy Day

 I recently wrapped up a new book and one of the lines in it was "The only easy day was yesterday."

This is one of the more well know saying of the SEALs. It serves as a reminder that if we are constantly pushing ourselves to become better every day there WILL be obstacles, not maybe, but will. 

It's a mindset shift. Instead of starting our day wondering IF there will be challenges, shift our thinking to "Whatever challenges arise in my day, I WILL overcome them. I will not loose sight of my goal. I am ready, willing and able to achieve my goals today, tomorrow and going forward." 

Take the reigns of the day and your mind that you will control your outcome. That you will give it what it takes, weather comfortable or uncomfortable, easy or hard, convenient or not to get it done. Accomplishment after struggles is one of the best feelings any of us can feel. 


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