
Showing posts from March, 2023

Motivational Monday #230: Thoughts into Actions

  Do not let your thoughts get stuck in your head & hear for too long; move them from inside your body, to outside your body with the ACTION you take to make it a reality.  To many times we talk to other about something that they have wanted to do for a long time, but haven't taken a step towards it.  My encouragement for you today is to take a step towards not one thing, but many things you have been thinking about doing but haven't actually pursued yet. (and yes, this can be all over the board) from cleaning out a closet, to walking that mile a day to calling that past friend, starting that class, adding a new routine to your day; you get the idea. Now...lets move that idea from inside to outside. It may feel odd, it may feel great, but know that it was never meant to be kept inside in the first place...we are all but for thought and action together :)

Motivational Monday #229: Common Things, Uncommonly Well

  Many of the tasks we do daily are the same day after day. Many of them are the same task that many others do day after day as well. They can all easily blend in as the same; a bunch of items completed that are the same, bland & blended together. How is it then that we can stand out in the crowd with our moving the spotlight?  The answer is simple: Do the Common Things, Uncommonly Well.  We can choose to blend in -or- we can choose to be bright (a light) where we are by doing what we do, saying what we say & being who we are in an uncommonly way that stands out.  Think about your daily routine. Think about how you may be able to level up parts of it in an uncommon way. These small choices, over time lead to a greater impact in a positive direction for us & those around us.  

Motivational Monday #228: Thoughts are a Powerful First Step

  The first battle we face is usually within and not external. It's our self talk, our self doubt, our self thinking of can't before CAN. The external threats to our success or our happiness are second to the blocks we put up to our our hearts at times or to prevent us for the possibility of failure.  Not accomplishing a goal is tough I get it, but not trying to accomplish that is is the real failure in my opinion; and I mean really trying. Not just dipping our toe in slightly or wading out a but; I mean really going for it. When we really go for it we give ourselves a TRUE chance at the victory ahead of us. We control our self talk. Do not allow negativity to be the current that pushes your forward. If you are battling negativity or doubt I have always found that listening or reading something uplifting often and regularly can elevate my head and my heart. With both of those on the right path, my actions can follow and follow strongly in the direction of ...

Motivational Monday #227: It's not always about Us

  The world is big and there is a lot happening it in that is near to us as well as far. Some things that directly impact us while others may indirectly have an impact or literally no impact at all. Do not get too consumed with soo much that that you are weighed down.  Focus on what is closest to you that is impacting you, those around you and then make an impact there. The sidelines are not where you are meant to be so do not choose to live there.  This Roosevelt quote is one of my all time favorites. It's about action. Doing what you can, with what you have, where you are. Progress, not perfection. For ourselves and for others. It's completely unfair to expect others to be on our timelines, our responses, our needs right at the snap of something being needed. Tunnel vision & tunnel action is not for any. Remember that patience, grace & understanding are 3 of the best qualities each of us can posses & live in use.  It's about Us making an imp...