
Showing posts from October, 2022

Motivational Monday #214: Who & How

Back in high school I had a wrestling coach (Coach Griffin) that would always remind us before every match that we, as a team of individuals pursue victory, but it is always with honor. We win the right way.  It took a bit of time to sink in what he really meant by that. He cared about who we were becoming and not just about what we were achieving. Wins will come and go, but how we respond to both victory & defeat reveals quite a bit about our character.  I believe who we are and who we are becoming is very important. Victory achieved through corners cut may have a short term elevation, but it will catch up & that is not a place we want to be standing. How we approach each day, each activity, each interaction is our choice.  I encourage all of us to make sure the Who we are & the How we are doing things is in line with the person we want to be. There will always be distractions calling out to you to do it another way because oth...

Motivational Monday #213: The BIGGEST liar you'll ever meet

  This is 100% true today, yesterday & tomorrow.  Fear would have you believe that it will always go wrong in one way or another.  Fear would have you believe that it's safer to not grow.   Fear would have you believe that you have reached your potential, so staying put is best. Fear would have you believe a ton on BS!! Fear is a LIAR.  Do not let the whispers of fear in your ear prevent you from stepping out & stepping up. This could be in large or small acts; fear works in many arenas. Instead I would charge you today & going forward to choose faith in moving forward. Faith in growing to where you want to be & who you want to be.  You see Fear & Faith have 1 thing in common. They both would have you believe in something that has not happened yet.  Faith will take you to far greater places than fear ever could dream of. Push the mute button on fear & crank up the volume on faith, action & encouragem...

Motivational Monday #212: Obstacles? What Obstacles?

  Are obstacles real? Yes, they sure are; but do we give them move head/heart space than they deserve...unfortunately for most of us the answer is yes.  The great news, is that WE can change that. This choice is 100% up to us. Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will & focusing on the present obstacles or the obstacles that may lie ahead keeps us from achieving our goals.  Yes, it may be more difficult for you than others, but you also don't know the silent battles others may be facing as well; focus on your road ahead and you'll be closer to your goals.  This Morning:  Remind yourself of your WHY(s).   Tell yourself that you can achieve your GOAL(s). Invest in yourself; YOU are worth it.  Attack your day with verve towards each endeavor that you have, big & small.