
Showing posts from January, 2021

Motivational Monday #155: "I never learned anything while I was....

 ....talking."  Last week one of the most prolific interviewers of all time passed away; Mr. Larry King.  For decades upon decades he interviewed leaders, influencers, creators, innovators from all around the world. He has shared a lot of great insight and created great discussions through his time on air. The quote below is one that stuck with me over the weekend. It served as a reminder that if I want to learn more I need to ask better questions, more frequently & then listen. Listen to understand, not listen to respond. Follow up with better questions that can lead to connection and depth. Today, focus on the questions we are asking...who we are asking them to....and what we can do with the information that we learn from our questions.  Have an incredible day today!

Motivational Monday #154: Masterpiece

Tomorrow is not here and yesterday is gone, but today, today is here for each of us as a blank canvas. It's our canvas to create what we would like. My hope for each of us today is not to just create something comfortable; something that comes easy, but to create something at the end of the day we can look back on with a full heart and peace of mind that what we did was special & we gave it our all.  Our styles are all different so no two masterpieces will be the same and that is great. The goal of today, and every day is to create YOUR Masterpiece, not someone else's. Please take to hear that as your are creating your masterpiece others will notice. Others will be impacted by it and you can help lift up their day from just another day into a masterpiece as well.  Have an incredible day TEAM!!

MM #153: Can You Hear Me Now?

As we continue in a more virtual/digital sales environment finding ways to effectively communicate on different platforms is super important for all of us. Knowing that may communicate differently so it's not one size fits all. We are required to adapt, pivot and connect.  Communication is good, but connection is the goal of the communication, so being effective to the other side of the phone, zoom, text, dm, etc... is what counts; that's how we weigh our success.  The "Can You Hear Me Now?" was made famous nearly 2 decades ago and it rings true today. He was talking, getting his message out, but if the person he was trying to reach couldn't hear him then the message is lost.  For us in sales, timing, tact, mode & messaging are all keys to helping us connect in our conversations. This is true for Cold Calls,  Leads, Prospects & Client (I would even add our escrow partners to this list).  This week focus on connection through conversation...