MM #140: What Can We Do?

As we enter in to a new week we have our checklist of things to do, both personal and for business. Sometime we may feel stuck in moving forward towards the accomplishments that we have.
That feeling is normal, our response to that feeling sets the tone for it all though. Do we freeze and stay idle or do we press on moving forward regardless of the pace? I've found that if you start moving forward slowly at least you can build up momentum and get really going!
Lets do what we can today! -The sky is the limit; we set our own bar.
With what we have! -We the the BEST tool, technology and resources; bar-none. Remember though that the best asset we have is the human one; ourselves and our teams.
Where we are! -We may be at our home office or the kitchen table, but technology has made it so we can thrive wherever we are.
Choose action over idleness
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