Motivational Monday #83: Systems v. Goals

Image result for business systems

Gaining 1 point of market share is a goal, learning to purposely prospect, convert & maintain client retention is a system AND systems always trump goals.

It's the system that keeps us on track or at times get's us back on track from distraction. Think about the system(s) you have in place in order to achieve the goals we have. 

What are they? 
Are you sticking to them?   
Are they working?

Our company has provided many great tools to implement within a system to excel in our industry space, but it's up to us, daily to put them to work for us. 

We can be successful for stints without a system, but it does not last. A system of success however cap be replicated therefore you can have continual success for a career....and that's what we are here for. 

Go for it....Stick to it....Soar!


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